Chapter 11: Birthday gifts

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Crimson's POV.    ******a few days later****

It was almost my birthday believe it or not. It was June 12th and my birthday was tomorrow. Night knew that my birthday was tomorrow and she knew I hated  my birthday. I walked out of Jeff's room after dressing in the clothes I wore last night, and went down stairs to get breakfast.

"Goodmorning. Did you have fun last Night?" My sister asked.

I flushed a deep red, and i noticed Jeff was no where to be seen.

"Where is Jeff?" I asked to no one inparticular.

"he went out to buy something I had asked him to." 

"Oh....well then......what store did he go to?"

"The one just three blocks from the school."

"The knife shop?"

"I think so."

"Hmm. OK then."

I walked outside and climbed at tree, just to set there and breath in the fresh air. I leaned back against the tree trunk, and my eyes became heavy.  I fell asleep after a moment, and fell into a peaceful dream.


I was walking through the woods, and I heard a twig snap. I turned to see Jeff brushing dirt from his pants, and hoodie. I giggled, and walked to him. I kissed him and he kissed back making the kiss hungry. I pulled away and giggled again before running.

"Catch me if you can." I called back.

gave a dark sexy growl and began chasing me. I twisted through trees, and jumped over fallen logs. I looked back and saw that Jeff was gone. I stopped and I looked back with a confused expression. I half tip toed back to where I had just come from, and a sick scream split the tension filed air. It was Jeff's voice! I ran back, and when I got to the spot where I had kissed him, blood was everywhere. I cried and called out for him, but I heard nothing. I fell onto my knees in a pool of blood, and screamed. I looked up crying and saw it. Jeff's body mangled, and shredded hanging from the tree. I screamed, and jumped up. I cried for Jeff, and asked who did it. i knew I wouldn't get an answer but I did it anyway. I loomed around and saw this creepy, hairless, sickly creature staring at me from a distance. My eyes widened, and I knew who this thing was. It was the rake. It started running at me and I screamed. I ran in the opposite direction and with every tree I passed, I'd see someone's mangled, shredded bodies. I recognized these people. They were the pastas! I kept running until I bumped into a firm yet girly figure. I looked up to see my sister, alive but with bloody tears staining her face. I got up and noticed what was wrong. A knife was held to her throat, and it had already cut into her skin a bit, and blood ran down Night's neck. 

"Help me." She whispered.

The knife slit her throat, and who ever had killed her, disappeared. I screamed and fell next to Night's dead body. I cradled her like a chilled and cried. I heard a deep voice cry out in pain, and he yelled at me.

"What did you do to her?" He yelled.

I looked up to see Slende running to me. Something shot from the trees and slit his throat, and he fell to the ground. Dead. I screamed, and rocked Night's body back and forth.

"Please wake up Night! Wake up! Please. Sissy? It's time to wake up. It's time to wake up!"

----***----end of dream land. 

I jumped up away but the feeling of a rock hitting my hip. I rubbed my eyes, and looked down to see Masky and Hoodie. Hoodie held rocks in his arms, and Masky had his arm pulled back ready to throw another one.

"'re awake." Masky said and he dropped his rock.

"Night sent us out here to get you." Hoodie said and dropped the arm full of rocks he held.

I sighed and jumped out of the tree and landed swiftly on the dirt. I walked around Masky and Hoodie, and into the house. I saw Jeff and Night sitting on the couch arguing. When they saw me the fell silent.

"How long was I outside?" I asked.

"For three hours." Night answered.

I shrugged and went upstairs. I stopped at a door that had mine and Night's names on the door. The door was overall just black, with red paint on it making it look like blood splatter. I opened the door, and on one side of the door was a pretty big twin sized bed, on the other side was another large twin sized bed. One bed had red bedding, the other had black bedding. The side with the red bed had knives covering the wall, along with a bow, quiver full of arrows, and a note impaled into the wall by a knife. I walked over to the wall and pulled the knife out of the note and wall, and picked up the note. It read;

For Crimson,

The most extrodinary, beautiful, badass girl in the world. Happy birthday Crimson.


            Jeff the killer

I smiled and ran out the door holding the note. I found Jeff, and I hugged him tightly. I pulled away and kissed him roughly. I pulled away and smiled wide and so did he.

"Thank you Jeff!" I giggled.

"You're welcome babe." He said and kissed me again.

I grabbed his hand, and started dragging him to my new room.

"Let's play with my new knives!" I giggled and we disappeared to mine and Night's room to play with my new knives together. This by far has been the best birthday I have ever had, and who knows. With Night's sly smiles, and over active mind she may make it even better, who knows. It's never know what she's gonna do next. She's a mystery that can't be solved.

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz