Chapter 17: Missing you

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Slender man's POV

"Fuck!!! I can't loose her, not now!!" I screamed.

I slammed my fist into the wall leaving a large hole in the drywall. I pulled my hand out dammaging the wall further. I pressed my forehead against the wall.

The chain in my hand made a soft 'clank' sound, and I looked at the necklace Night wore. It was made of silver, and had an operator symbol pendant. It was rubbed smooth in the center where the 'x' crossed, but the rest of the pendant had a bit of a rough edge. It seemed as if hand made, but I wasn't sure.

I softly held the pendant and a single tear dropped onto the metal. I closed my eyes tight, and curled the pendent into my fist, careful not to smash or bend it. I knew Night would want it back, but where is she? I can't get her Back if I don't know here she's at.

Everyone was downstairs thinking of places Katherine my have taken the girls, but we haven't had any luck for the last three days. Yes three days. We haven't slept for three days, we're trying to find them but we just can't.

I walked downstairs to see what everyone was doing, but they were all asleep. I shook my head and left them to sleep. They need it, and they earned it. I walked outside and wandered to the small sparkling pond I loved and shared with Night. I whispered the quote she told me that day we laid here.

"No matter how much pain, anger, or bad is in this word, somewhere there is a beauty that can't be matched."

A tears rolled down my pale, expressionless face staining my skin.

"Why do I have to loose her? Why do I loose my signifigant other every time I find her? I just want her back." I cried softly.

Something soft, cold, and wet nudged my hand pushing itself under my hand. I automatically started petting Smile dog while stairiing at the crystal clear water.

"If only we could track her.....wait a second!" I jerked away from Smile and looked at him.

"Smile. Blink twice if you think you can track Night's scent." I said quickly.

Smile blinking twice, ran round in a circle, sat down, and barked.

I pulled the necklace from my pocket, and held it softly.

"I'll get the others up and we'll take you to the store where they were last. From there on we all rely on you to find them Smile, got it?" I asked.

He just barked.

"Good." I whispered and ran into the house.

I woke everyone up and they groaned.

"Guys! I know how we can find Night and Crimson!" I laughed.

Everyone perked up, and stood quickly.

"You can find mommie?" Sally asked with her sweet lisp.

"Smile says he can track them by scent. C-mon we gotta get to the store where they were last." I smiled.

Everyone, without a word, ran to their room and came back down wearing their pendants. We ran back to mall, to the store where we found the necklace, and walked in to the exact spot Jeff found it.

I stood in silence with a grim expression. I bent down as Smile came up next to me, and I let him examine Night's scent on the necklace. The moment he recognized the scent he bowed his head and sniffed.

Moments later he found the scent and started running through the store, and out the back way.

"Night, here we come. I will find you." I mumbled and kept pace with Smile.

"Just hang on a bit longer....please."

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon