Chapter 15: Lost loves

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Jeff's POV

It's been five hours since Night and Crimson left and I was starting to worry. I walked, more like ran, up to Slendy's office and hit the door a bit hard. The door flung open, and Slendy lied on his bed asleep. I pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head.

"What do you need, Jeffrey?" Slendy asked.

"Are you not the least bit worried that Night and Crimson didn't come back, like two hours ago?" I answered his question with my own.

"Yes. I'm losing my mind, I'm so frustrated. They should have been home a few hours ago!"

"Did they by any chance, say where they were going?"

"Well, there's only one mall close by so the must be there. Let's go."

Slender morphed into his humane form, and I grabbed the pendant from my bedside table. I wear the pendant around my neck, and the pendant uses eye manifulation. It changes my appearance where all human eyes see me as the kid I was before my accident. We told everyone else, and like the pests they are they decided to tag along. Everyone got their pendants, and we left for the mall.

****timeskip brought to you by****

Once we reached the mall we made it seem like a rescue mission. We sent Jane and Clockwork into Victoria's secret, Eyeless, Sally and Toby into J.C pennies, Masky and Hoodie into Faded glory, Laughing offered to go into the candy store (-_-" seriously L.j?) and Slender and I walked around the mall, looking for any signs of them.

We passed a store with the windows busted out. We walked in and the whole store was trashed, and torn apart. A small whimper sounded and we ran around to the cash register to see a woman with rich brown hair pulled up into a pony tail lying on the floor. She had a deep gash in her left side of her forehead, and but the way she struggled I could tell her right hip was broke. Slender glared and crouched next to her.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" He asked.

She whimpered a soft 'no'. We helped her a bit and got her to have some composure before we asked a few more questions. I walked around the store but still listened to the questions.

"Ma'am? Did you see two girls walk in here? One with a deep grey hair, and the other with scarlet red?" Slender asked once more.

"I-i think....s-so." The woman answered.

I stepped on something the crunched on broken glass. I looked down, moving my foot to see what object I had stepped on.

"They were here." I whispered.

I crouched down, picking up a pure silver necklace. It had a perfect operator symbol pendant, and a silver chain. I had see this before. Night wore it around her neck and when I'd make her nervous she'd pull it out and rub her fingers over it.

I remember it, it must have been a comfort item for her and she had worn it here. Something went wrong, I know for a fact the was she looked, touched and wore this necklace she wouldn't just throw it down and leave. She also couldn't have been so clueless not to know if it had broke and slipped off her neck.

"They were here! Something went wrong!" I yelled.

I ran around to the cash register, and jumped over the counter, crouching next to the woman.

"Ma'am? Please tell us what you know. What happened here? Did you see who did this, do you know who they are?" I asked frantically.

The others ran in panting like dogs at that moment.

"Sir! Do you know where they are?" Masky asked, out of breath.

"Shut up will ya!" I yelled. "Ma'am...this important. We can't loose those girls." I said again.

"I think...those girls...had b-been in here. A woman....uhh...Katherine was her name." The woman paused and winced in pain.

Oh god. No, not Katherine. I looked at Slender.

"Oh Zalgo. No. Not her! Anyone but her!" Slender said scared.

"Do you know anything more?" I said, turning back to the woman.

"She....she did this.... and she did...something to the girls. They....just dropped to the floor. Alive.... but unconscious. She said something to them that scared the girls before she....uhh....knocked them out. The last thing i saw....ahh....was....the pendant....uhhgg...fall off haired girls....neck. Please...someone help me." The woman finished.

"Brian! Call and ambulance." I said.

Hoodie pulled out his phone and called, the moment he hung up we all left, but not without helping the woman into an upright position with something soft raising her hip.

'We have to find them. Fast. I can't loose Crimson. I can't even loose Night! Please let them be okay.' I spoke to myself.

"Hang on you two. We're coming for you." I murmered under my breath, and ran faster.

Blood red love (Jeff/Slender love {lemon/fluff}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant