Chapter Fourteen: An Alien Encounter

Start from the beginning

"I challenge you to a rap battle,"

A few days later

I was still bummed out about losing to Rap monster. He truly was the king. I can respect that. But there will be a rematch for sure! I almost had him until the last round. We went through about five or six until I ran out of ideas. I mean not bad, right?

I glanced over at Park who was fast asleep beside me. She looked so cute and peaceful. I lie my head next to hers, facing her. I brushed the hair from her face, gently. She moaned, stretching her legs. I froze as her eyes fluttered open. She smiled and put her hand on my head, ruffling my hair. I smiled and brushed her cheek with my thumb.

"Mark oppa?" she sang, beginning to pout.

"Yes?" I asked looking down at her lips.

They were gorgeous and full. I wanted to kiss them.

"I'm hungry. Can we get Galbitang?" she stuck out her lower lip.

"When did you start liking my favorite soup?" I asked, surprised she even knew what that was. I should give her credit I guess. She has been in Korea for awhile now.

"Well... I kind of asked the guys what your favorite food was and they all agreed it was soup. So I then asked which kind was your favorite and they all almost simultaneously yelled out Galbitang. Sooo I want to get some with you and try it," she took in a deep breath.

I laughed and nodded. Her face lit up and she raced to the bathroom to, I assume, get ready.

She came out and grabbed my arm, pulling me out the door.

After eating Galbitang, which she loved, we went back to the dorm for game night with the boys. We invited Bangtan to join us and they accepted. Sadly that ment Namjoon would be joining us as well. Sigh.

"Go fish!" Bam yelled at Yugyeom.

They are always in competition, being the Maknaes and all.

I looked to Jr and JB to see their reaction and noticed Jr had his head on JB's lap. I thought it was strange but shrugged it off thinking they just became closer recently or something.

"Aish, Bam," Yugyeom grabbed a card from the deck.

"HA! I WON!" J-Hope danced around the living room.

He ran right into the wall as he was celebrating and everyone laughed. 

I loved game night and Bangtan was actually making it even more fun. Usually Bam, Yugyeom, and Jackson are the only ones that actually try, but now everyone wants to show off because Bangtan is here. I feel like they bring out the best and worst out of us. I mean we owe it all to Park she brought them to us after all.

"HA, MARK!" Rap monster screamed as he threw down his last pair.

"I WIN!" he stood up, "You owe me now, man."

I may have gotten carried away and bet Rap monster free dinner.

"Alright. Alright," I got up and gave him a $20.

"Go buy some Kimchi or something," his face brightened up and he raced out the door.

"Well at least I got rid of him," I mumbled to myself.

Bangtan went home after a few more games and I tucked Park in my bed. I slept in the living room on the couch with Jackson's blanket. Well my blanket that I loaned to him, but anyhow it was a nice gesture. As I settle myself on the couch I heard a noise from the kitchen. I froze and my eyes widened. Everyone was in bed and Bangtan had gone home. So I had no idea who could be in the kitchen. All I knew was that I was all alone well except for the stranger in the kitchen, in the dark, and unarmed.

"Hello?" I called out.


I jumped and thought I should just go see what or who it is in there. I threw the blanket off myself and searched for something to arm myself with. I settled with a pillow because that was all that I could find. I walked to the archway leading to the kitchen and stood in front of it.


I jumped again. Aish when did I become such a chicken. I rushed into the kitchen, flashing the lights on.

"AHHHH," I yelled, holding the pillow out in front of me.

As my eyes adjusted I saw V crouched in front of the fridge eating leftover Kimbap.

"What the..." I dropped the pillow out of confusion.

"How did you get in here?" I asked him.

He stared at me wide eyed, mouth open full of Kimbap

"I...uh..." he started but dropped the Kimbap and ran past me out the front door.

What the actual hell just happened?

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