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(Anna’s POV)

I was suddenly awakened by the sound of someone calling my name. After opening my eyes, I realized that I was still in this room. I rolled over on the bed, only to realize I was alone, or at least I thought I was. That’s when a fully nude Alex walked out of the bathroom. I quickly looked away, and he chuckled at me.

“I’m sorry if I woke you,” He says.

I look back at him, just as he grabs the towel hanging from a hook on the bathroom door. Once he’s covered, I make eye contact with him.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“It’s still early, about nine in the morning,” He said while drying his body.

I let out a groan and rolled back over. I wasn’t ready to be awake yet. Or maybe it’s just because I thought Alice would have come for me by now. I can hear Alex moving around in the background, but I keep my eyes closed.

After a few moments he came to lay on the bed next to me, before tracing his fingers along my body. I looked up at him, with so many thoughts running through my head. I could see his lips moving, but all I could think of was Alice.

What would she think if she could see me right now? Would she be happy that she isn’t the only one that’s not human? Or would she be pissed at me because of what I am?

A vampire. A creature that feeds on blood. A creature that kills. Then it hit me. I’m different. I’m a changeling. I have the ability to change between vampire and human. Would that be enough though?

“Anna?” Alex asked.

“Sorry I was just thinking about something,” I said as I returned my attention to him.

“You want to talk about it?” He asked sincerely.

“I’m just curious about how this all works,” I answered.

“It certainly is nothing like how the myths and folklore tell it,” He said with a slight chuckle.

“So explain it to me, what exactly am I?” I asked him.

“Well, for starters you’re a changeling, because you’re not a pureblood, meaning you weren’t born as a vampire,” He says.

“What’s the difference?” I asked confused.

“You are still tied to your humanity, therefore you are able to transform back into your human form,” he explained.

“What am I supposed to do if I start to crave blood?” I hesitantly asked. “I really don’t want to drink anyone’s blood, regardless of who they are.”

I sat up and placed my head in my hands. All this thinking was giving me a headache.

“You can’t fight the thirst of a vampire. You’ll have to feed eventually, or you could die, and neither of us wants that,” Alex said as he sat up.

“Oh, I see. What am I supposed to do when I go back home?” I asked.

I could feel his body tense up.

“You could become dangerous, or worse off, on your own.” He said flatly.

“What could be worse?” I asked as I watched him stand up.

“You could be hunted or exposed. Humans don’t accept other beings with open arms,” He said as he looked down at me.

“So why don’t you come with me?” I asked while standing up. “We have Alice too. The three of us can figure it out together.”

He watched me stand up, but looked away when I walked towards him. Something was bothering him.

“I can’t leave this place. Not yet anyway. I owe a debt to Kane,” He began to say but stopped.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon