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(Alice's POV)

I could hear everything he was thinking. Sometimes I hate it, but other times it comes in handy. I wish he would just understand. I'm capable of doing horrible things when I become a banshee. If only I knew the extent of my abilities. There is still so much about myself that even I don't know or understand yet.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

After taking a few moments to think I decided to tell him the truth. If he doesn't like what he hears, then that's on him. It's only the truth. He will either have to accept it or walk away. On the other hand, he didn't seem to be scared when he realized I can talk using my mind. Maybe he will be understanding when I tell him what I really am.

"Well, I'm a banshee," I said slowly.

He gave me a questioning look. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I imagined him running away in fear.

"You don't know what it is do you?" I asked.

"You'd be surprised," he said with a smirk.

"Well, then you should know that it's the reason I can't speak out loud. I can only make deadly screams," I said slowly as I carefully thought about what I would say next. "My scream is so powerful it can shatter glass, make someone deaf, and even kill someone."

"So, that's why you had Anna cover our ears?" He asked while tilting his head.

"Yes... I wish I could've used it to save Anna. Before I got the chance to use my scream, the energy it took to kill that man, I mean that thing, had worn me out. I was weak," I said as I looked away.

For a moment, all was quiet except for the sound of two people talking on the porch. I can't hear what they are saying, but I can tell it wasn't pleasant by the tone of their voices.

"I remember my grandmother telling me something about them. She could possibly help us find Anna, being that she knows a thing or two about this stuff," He began to say as he placed his hand on mine. "Also, being normal is totally overrated. At that moment, we stared deeply into each other's eyes. Our faces are only inches apart. In the heat of the moment, I found myself drawn to him. I could feel his hand sliding up against the back of my neck, as both of us leaned in close. Just as we closed our eyes, my mother walked in. It caused me to jump, and Tate sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you had company over. I thought you were sitting in here with Anna," my mother said.

I could feel myself blushing as I backed away from him. Maybe it was for the best that we hadn't kissed. I smiled at my mom, but it quickly turned into a frown when I saw Anna's mother come up behind her.

"Anna hasn't come home from school yet," Anna's mother said.

"Alice, do you know where she is?" my mother asked.

I shook my head no, even though I knew it was partially a lie. What would I tell her otherwise? That I knew her daughter was kidnapped by these terrible men who aren't even humans? She would have me locked up in the looney bin and accuse me of doing something to Anna. I never understood what made her change so drastically. She wasn't always like this.

Elizabeth and my mother grew up together and instantly became friends the day they met in the first grade. My mother had told me this one time when I was younger that something had happened, changing Elizabeth for the worse. I remember there being a time when I wasn't allowed to see Anna. Could she possibly know my secret?

"Please let me know if you see or hear from her?" she asked, "We had a... disagreement last night, and I know she is mad at me. I just didn't think she would run away."

Her face shows signs of melancholy. I can see tears forming along the rim of her eyes. I nodded my head before using sign language with my mom. I told her to stay with Elizabeth and that we'd do what we can to find her. I followed them into the living room, and Tate limped slowly behind me.

"We will find her," I said in sign language to my mother and Elizabeth.

They both hugged me before heading towards the front door. I took Tate into the kitchen as they made their way back onto the front porch. After looking through the fridge and cupboards, I assembled food and drink supplies.

Then I thought of Anna. She must be hungry or thirsty. I can only imagine what those things are doing to her. Suddenly, I accidentally dropped everything that I was holding. My body sunk to the floor, and my hands shook while trying to pick everything up.

"We'll find her, I promise," Tate said as he touched my arm.

I cried silently, while he hugged me. Once he let go of me, I wiped away my tears before stuffing everything into my bag. I looked at him, then nodded my head towards the front door. He took my bag and threw it over his shoulder.

After he helped me stand up, we headed for the door. A jolt of electricity shot through my arm when our hands touched while both reached for the doorknob.

I knew he must have felt it too, because our eyes met, and he leaned in to kiss me. It took me by surprise, but soon I was melting into him. This is definitely a memorable first kiss. If only the timing were better. I could feel him starting to pull away from me. For a moment, I almost didn't want to stop, but I knew we had to find her. Time is running out, and Anna is counting on me.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now