My Revenge

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(Tate’s POV)

I couldn’t help but feel as though I had let her down. What have I done? Why did she run from me? I love her, and she knows it. Deep down I know she loves me, too. I can feel it.

I couldn’t just leave. Not without her. I stopped in front of the door leading to the front yard. My grandmother noticed I had stopped at the door, stopping her in her tracks. She looked back at me while raising her arms.

“You can go to the car, I’ll be back with the others” I said as I hugged my grandmother. “I can’t leave without her.”

“Just promise me that you will be safe,” my grandmother said while hugging me back. “I can’t lose you too.”

“I promise, Grandma,” I said before pulling away.

She smiled at me before I left her standing there. We parted ways, and I walked back inside. I started by looking around the bottom floor first. I’m startled by the sound of loud footsteps pounding on the floor above me.

I hid behind the doors of the dining room, watching Kane and Sophia follow a guard outside. Hopefully they don’t spot my grandmother waiting outside. I’m sure she’d know what to do if they did find her.

After waiting a few moments to make sure the coast was clear, I then walked up the stairs. I began opening doors, starting with the left wing. The girls were nowhere to be found on that side. Just as I was about to open the first door on the right, two girls walked out of the room that was two doors away. I slipped into the room before they noticed me, watching them carefully as they walked by. One had black hair and the other had white hair.

It was Alice and Anna. I could tell because of what they were wearing and the hair colors. My heart throbbed when I looked at the back of the black-haired girl. They were heading for the stairs, but I grabbed Alice’s arm. She turned around quickly, and I instantly knew something was different.

“You came back,” she said with tears in her eyes as I hugged her.

“I never left. When I heard screams, I told my grandmother to wait in the car for us. I came rushing back in,” I said before pulling away. “The thought of leaving you behind was not an option. I love you, Alice.”

I stared down at her beautiful eyes, while cupping her face in my hands. There was something different about her, but I couldn’t quite figure out what it was. In this moment, all I wanted was to hear her say it back.

“I love you too, Tate,” Alice said before pulling me into a kiss.

I was surprised to hear the words leave her lips. It was the first time I’d ever seen her speak without using telepathy. How is this possible?

“Wait, Alice, did you just speak out loud?” I asked while pulling away.

She smiled eagerly and nodded her head. I’m shocked to learn this news. I still felt as if she wasn’t telling me something though.

“How did you do it?” I asked.

“I will explain later. We still have to get past Kane and the other vampires,” she said. “If it comes down to it, we might just have to kill them.”

“No, you can’t kill all of them,” Anna said. “The one is my blood mate. I know you might not see Alex the way I do, but he isn’t like the others.”

“If you think he will help us get out of this, then he can come with us,” Alice said.

She smiled at her while gripping the candelabra.

“Let’s do this!” Anna said with an excited tone.

“Okay where do you think he could be hiding in this place?” I asked. “Anna do you have any ideas?”

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