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(Tate’s POV)

I was awakened from my deep sleep because of the bright light coming from the sun. It was shining through my bedroom window. I stood up slowly, feeling so weak. My grandmother must have used her magic to teleport me to my room. Just as I opened my door, she was standing behind it, about to knock.

“Tate,” she said.  

That’s all it took. I broke down and she held me in her arms as I cried. She patted me on the back before I pulled away.

“I know it hurts, Tate. I’m so sorry,” my grandmother said sincerely.

“She is the first girl I have ever really fallen for, my mate,” I said quietly. “We have to find her. Please, you have to help me.”

“I promise we will find her,” she said as she pulled her hand away. “But I can’t promise that it will happen as fast as you want it to.”

I wiped away my tears. 

“We have to do something,” I said as I walked back into my room. “I can’t just sit here and do nothing.”

“What are you doing?” she asked while standing in the doorway. 

I turned around to face her. She is leaning up against the doorframe, with her arms crossed.

“I’m getting dressed to go for a walk,” I said while changing out of my torn and stained clothes from yesterday. “I need to see if I can get any clues about where she could be.”

“I’ll tag along with you,” she said.  

I shook my head before sighing.

“No, I can do this on my own,” I said.  

“Then you best stay out of trouble, and be safe,” my grandma said before closing my door. 

I changed into a white T-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a black hoodie. After putting on my socks and a pair of black converse sneakers with white laces, I walked out of my room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall and through the living room, then into the kitchen to see my grandmother. She hugged me so tightly, it squeezed the breath right out of me. 

“I’ll call you if I find anything,” I said while grabbing an apple. “I’ll be home in time for dinner.”

“Please do. Also, your mother called this morning,” she said before taking a sip of her coffee.

“You didn’t tell her about what happened, did you?” I asked her curiously.

“Of course not! Your mother would have a heart attack,” she said while sitting the cup down on the counter. “Though, the school did leave her a voicemail notifying her of your absence. So, tomorrow you will have to go back to school, but you can do as you please afterwards.”

She patted my shoulder, before grabbing her cup and sitting at the table. There is a newspaper from today lying on the table. I saw that it was opened up to the estate section. A few places are circled. I pretend not to notice, as I take a bite of my apple.

“Thanks grandma,” I said. “I’ll try to keep up with my school work. Though I don’t know why you don’t just homeschool me yourself.”

“I’m far too busy for that,” she said with a chuckle. “Now, get out of here, so you can get your girl back.”

I nodded and smiled, as I made my way to the living room, opening the door that led to the stairs to the library. Before leaving the library, I walked to the garage. Inside was my car. I checked the trunk to make sure that it is still packed full of weapons, and a few books that I would need. The books held knowledge of different spells, potions, background information on different creatures, and so much more.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang