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(Alice's POV)

It's been three months since I've been kept hostage in this place. After a while, I was given a bit more freedom. Though I always ended up having it taken away after every failed attempt at escaping. I haven't been able to escape yet, but I've almost made a bulletproof plan.

Sophia and I have become friends. After all you have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. She was all I had now. The only connection and knowledge I had of the outside world, is what she has been telling me. Is it the truth? I may never know.

What I do know is that I missed Anna, Tate, and my mother. I even missed school a little bit. I just wish Tate and Anna would find me soon. I know they're looking for me. Every now and then I experience a strange sense. It was almost as if I could sense their presence. I could tell they were getting close.

I just keep hoping we don't move to a new location any time soon. Sophia has been keeping me updated about the clan's plans. From what I can infer, what Kane has planned will lead to the destruction of the world as we know it.

(Anna's POV)

As three months have passed, so much has happened. With all that is happening in my life, I don't know if I will be ready for what I'm expecting. Between having to be back to school, looking for Alice, feeding off the blood of animals, and trying to keep my secret from Alex, I'm not sure how much more I can handle.

In six more months, things are about to become much more difficult. So, hopefully, we can find Alice soon. I need my best friend now more than ever. After all, Alice will be the godmother of my child.

Alex doesn't know yet, and I'm not sure how much longer I can keep it from him. I'm not even sure how he will react. I don't know how I will be able to keep up with things after I have this baby.

The only other people who know about my pregnancy are Rain and Ceciellia. They have already offered to help me with it, but I don't want to put their lives in danger. I know Kane is after Alex, and if he finds out about our child, I can only think that he will try to kill it as well. I just have to hope for the best.

(Tate's POV)

It's been three months since the last time I saw Alice. I've been working so hard to find her. After school, I've been searching all the places that I know creatures go to hide out. Anna and Alex have been helping me occasionally as well.

All of our leads have so far led to dead ends. I've been trying my hardest to piece together all the puzzle pieces. I just hope that she is still alive, and that she hasn't given up on me. Every now and then I get a strange sensation. I always hoped it was coming from her.

Summer is coming soon. So that will give me more time. I will be able to travel further without having to come back so soon. Currently, the clues and information I've received have led me to believe she is further west. I just hope I'm right.

I have so much to lose if I am wrong. I've been focusing on piecing together all my information. I haven't been sleeping or eating much. Last month, Alex's friend Damon came by. He gave me a map of all the locations that he knew of that Kane's clans have been known to stay. Hopefully I can find her, or she escapes and finds her way back to me.

(Alex's POV)

It's been three months since I left my clan. Everyday has been a struggle. Between working everyday to pay the bills, feeding off of animals, taking care of Anna, and looking for Alice, things have been getting harder for me.

Knowing my brother is out for my head is driving me crazy. I'm always jumpy, because I feel as if I'm constantly being watched. I know what my brother's plan is. My only option is I have to stop him. I have to kill him. What I don't know is if I will be able to take my own brother's life.

The Silent One: Cursed Daughter (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon