Unexpected Slumber

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(Anna's POV)

I waited for his return, sitting on the bed. It felt like an eternity. The feeling of exhaustion swept over me. I began to doze off, while playing with my hair. Suddenly, I'm no longer in that room. I found myself sitting under a tree. Tate is lying on the ground next to me. He is bleeding a lot. I'm too paralyzed by fear to move.

Alice is standing in the middle of a group of men. They taunted her by grabbing at her and saying awful things to her. She stood her ground. She's strong, but was she stronger than a group of vampires?

Then Alex emerged from the tree line. He approached the group of vampires surrounding Alice. They parted ways to allow Alex to pass through. He's now standing in front of Alice. For a moment all is silent, until Alice makes the first move.

She throws a punch in Alex's direction, but he dodges her by grabbing her arm, forcing her to the ground. Her eyes show hints of anger and pain. It only fueled the fire. There was no way she would let herself be taken down so easily. She used her right leg to sweep his legs out from under him.

Now Alice had the upper hand, with Alex on the ground below her. The others just stood there watching Alice and Alex wrestle on the ground. Suddenly, Alice transforms into her banshee form. Just as she opens her mouth to scream, Alex grabs her by the throat. He caught Alice by surprise, and she repeatedly punched him in the chest. The last punch she threw caused her hand to push straight through his rib cage. He tightened his grip on her throat, while hollering in pain.

Almost simultaneously, they each killed each other. She had ripped his heart from his chest, just as he had torn her throat out. I screamed but no sound came out. There was nothing I could do but sit there and watch them both bleed out. I'm pulled away from my thoughts when I hear the sound of a door slamming. That's when I realized I had been dreaming. The sight of Alice and Alex lying there dead faded away until there was nothing left. I'm now surrounded by darkness.

It couldn't have been long after I had fallen asleep that I heard him come in. I'm still too tired to open my eyes, so I just lay there. I could feel his lips pressing against mine. It made me smile, but it soon faded when he chained my hands up again.

Wait, was this really Alex?

I slowly opened my eyes, only to see that it was him kneeling at my bedside. He wore a crestfallen expression on his face, as he sighed.

"What are you doing Alex?" I asked with a hint of despair in my voice.

He kissed my forehead before standing up.

"I'm sorry, but it has to be done," he said.

"What has to be done?" I asked confused.

Just then Damon came in. Fear set in as I hoped that this was not what I thought it was. He just told me that we were mates and that he wouldn't let anyone hurt me. Yet, here we are, whatever this was.

"What are you doing?" I asked while trying to free my hands.

I watched Alex hand something to Damon, but I couldn't tell what it was. He continued to ignore me. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't want to do whatever it was that he was about to do. Someone was forcing his hand.

"Alex?" I asked as a tear fell from my eye.

He walked over to the bed, before kneeling next to me, placing his finger up to my lips. I could see the pain in his eyes.

"It will be over before you know it," he said before standing up.

I began to thrash around, as he sat on top of me. He then tore off yet another shirt from my cold half-naked body. I looked away from him, and that's when I saw Damon holding a camera. That must have been what Alex gave him earlier. Alex removed the gauze from my throat, before leaning down to kiss my neck.

"I'm so sorry, Anna. Please forgive me. I will explain everything later," He whispered in my ear.

Just then I felt his sharp fangs pierce my bare and sore throat. I began to cry, as I tried so hard to break free. Damon took a picture. Then another. And another.

"Stop, it hurts," I begged him.

It didn't work. He wouldn't stop, but he did take the pain away. Sending a tingling sensation coursing through my body, causing me to let out a moan, as I became dizzy. For a moment, the room began to spin, before I let myself fall into an unexpected slumber.

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