"Don't lie to me, boy," he says. "You know exactly where he is."

"Ow, let go of my arm," I say, trying to free myself from his grip. "You're hurting me."

He ignores my cries. "Tell me where he is."

"You better let go of me. I will scream and say you're trying to kidnap me."

He listens and drops his hand from my arm. "Tell me where he is."

"I told you. He is in the mountains."

He shakes his head. "Do you want to know what I found at the campground?" He leans forward, putting his face right into mine. As he speaks, his spit hits my face. "I found the footprints and tyre marks."

I wipe his spit from my face. "So?"

"So, I know it was you and your friend who went looking for him."

I stare at him straight in the eyes, afraid to speak a word. I feared he could see straight through me or worse, read my mind. Can he tell I'm lying? Even if he could, he couldn't do anything to me here or make me admit the truth, could he? There is no way he would kidnap me right here and make me tell him exactly where Sasquatch was.

"David, what's going on?" I hear Julian say from behind me.

I don't turn to face him. I continue staring at Ken, afraid if I was to turn away for a second he would know exactly where to find Bigfoot's hiding spot.

Julian stands beside me. Ken takes his eyes from me and looks at Julian. He chuckles at us both.

"Remember, I'm watching you," he tells me. "I will find him."

He turns to walk away, towards his van that is parked on the street.

"Who was that?" Julian asks me, as we watch him get into his van.

"Ken Brooke. I think he knows we have Bigfoot."

"How does he know?"

I turn to him. I was about to tell him what he found when I notice Julian is eating a blueberry muffin. My stomach grumbles at the sight of it in his hands, reminding me I had skipped breakfast. I ask him if I could have half of it and he breaks it for me. He then repeated his question to me. I tell him what Ken is up to.

"We need to skip school," I say.

Julian shakes his head. "No, I can't skip any more days, David."

"I know, but this is important too."

"We have our essays due today."

"Oh shit."

I had completely forgotten about the essay. I did manage to write it, but I never got to rewrite it out so it looked representable. How could I have forgotten it? I never forget any of our assignments Mrs Cameron gives us.

"Why don't we attend school half day then?" I suggested. "We can hand in our essays when we have English during second period. We could leave at recess."

Julian shakes his head. "I can't, David. I have Drama sixth period. I'm working on my project with Bethany."

I ran my hand through my hair. What am I supposed to do? I need to get Bigfoot out of my basement before Dad returns home. Maybe we should have left him at the campsite, and not have shot him with the tranquiliser. This is all turning into an even bigger disaster than what we planned. We were meant to relocate him in the mountains. Not bring him down here to the city.

"Okay, well I will go up there myself then," I say.

Julian shakes his head. "No. I'm not letting you go up there on your own, especially with Bigfoot."

The Boys Who Cried Sasquatch Where stories live. Discover now