Fight with Flight

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Rex ~

"Well, that's dramatic..." I whisper, trying to remove some of the tension that suddenly formed between the three of us.

Danny forms an energy ball in his palm and tilts his arm back to release.

Crimson flicks her finger slightly and the green ball of energy dissipates, leaving green sparkles. Danny gasps in pain.

Danny cradles his arm against his chest. "Ow! She zapped my ectoblast."

Assuming Crimson was an enemy, I build up my bio-mechanical fists and lash out at her.

Somehow, a red glossy dome forms over Crimson and my fists smash into it. My nanites break apart at contact and the feeling like my hand just got ripped off rips through me.

A gush of wind whooshes by me and the forcefield crackles. I look around frantically. Danny's in there.

Through the blurry surface of the red dome, I see Danny land a ghost beam thing right in Crimson's face.

I hear a high pitch scream and the shield shatters into a million pieces of red tinted glass.

"Stop! We aren't supposed to fight! I'm here to help you!" she shrieks, sounding almost helpless.

Her arms are extended in front of her and Danny hovers above her with his legs turned into a foggy tail. A ghost blast is formed between his palms but he doesn't shoot it.

"Rex! I can't move. Get her!" Danny pleads.

I consider this. Danny might never get back to his dimension if we piss this lady off. "No. Let's just calm down."

Danny trembles against Crimson's power, but she strikes back, overwhelming him in the air. With a cry, Danny turns back into a human and falls down onto the basketball court floor. Crimson collapses on her
side, passing out.

I just realize we're still in Providence HQ. No doubt they've noticed the random teleporting lady and random teleporting ghost boy. I groan in annoyance as the beeping noise of my ear communicator breaks the silence.


"We have the gym surrounded. What the heck is going on in there?" Holiday says sharply.

"Doc, I don't know. They're not EVOs though. Plus, they just beat themselves up.

Six materializes next to me, presumably from the doors.

"Rex. Who are these people?"

"Teleporters," I correct.

He arches an eyebrow at me.

I throw my arms up frantically. "I was playing ball with Noah and then he disappears and these people drop in here."

"From what Holiday said she saw, that kid was flying."

"Yes, he's like half ghost or something."

The fainted Crimson stirs.

"She's waking up..."

I build up my bio-mechanical sword and point it toward her slumped body on the ground.

Her eyes open, revealing their ruby glow. She smiles with her eyes pinned on me. With impossible speed, shes upright again with her hands glowing in front of her.

"Ahh!" I yell out as the room starts spinning.

Nausea flushes through me and I fall to my knees with my palms and head to the ground. I see Six crouch down next to me.

Danny ~

Rex's scream wakes me. Then I see why. The world rocks below me.

I see only one way out of this. "Going ghost!"

Levitating to avoid the spinning ground, I launch an ecto-blast at Crimson. Her eyes appear to be closed, but she dodges it flawlessly.

"If you won't cooperate, I will force you to," she booms, power swarming around her flowing black cloak. "Two realms will not cease to exist because of your idiocy!"

On cue, the spinning stops and Rex and the random guy I just noticed in the green suit topple over each other.

If this situation wasn't potentially dangerous, I would have laughed. Ha, I can fly!

Crimson levitates slightly off the ground and the red glow spreads around her. She raises her arms up and her immense energy blasts out around her.

Like when I teleported here, a flash makes me flinch and the gym room is replaced by a dark dungeon looking place..

Wait, it's Clockwork's place!

That's the last thought I have before something/someone hit me on the head.

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