4- Emergence Cont.

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George released me, straightened his black turtleneck, and fixed his hair. Then he sat back down, with the grace of a leopard.

"Oh, I hate getting hostile, but you forced my hand." He paused then chuckled. "Literally!" I swallowed while he laughed himself out. "Now, you will help me kill this man. You'll need to get close to him....shame...you'll break his heart."

"What's his..."

"Don't interrupt me! You'd think you'd learn. Those details I'll give you in person. It'll be easier to remember. Besides, Angela wants to meet up tomorrow, and I'll be with her. Anyways, during this game of charades, We will meet everyday, just like this, to exchange information on the subject."

"Excuse me but if I may, this is a person, not an experimental test subject."

"What, you mean like us, people with a purpose?"

"I'm extremely sorry, but you have no purpose, except to murder for fun." I'd realized my mistake almost instantaneously. But before I could take it back, X was beating me, punching left and right, until he saw blood. Then he cleaned himself yet again. And sat down. Next to me.

"To continue, we will exchange information on the SUBJECT until I find the right time strike." My head lay back almost in paralysis. I try to wipe the blood from my nose. Although it was already dry. I know I could easily clean myself up in a dream, but I stayed this way for George, so he wouldn't hit me again. It seems as though he doesn't like the sight of blood.

"Like what?" I ask.

"Like if he cut his hair, if he's moving, if so, where to. Stuff like that."

"That's a pretty shallow list as for information." George raised his hand as if to hit me but only clenched his fist and lowered it again. He sighed and chuckled to himself.

"You are very hard to reason with."

"Well it's not very easy to reason with murder."

"That's understandable."

"Then why are you trying to convince me to do this?"

"I'm not trying to convince you. I'm forcing you, remember?" I nod and fix my appearance. Tired of smelling the iron in the blood. "Thank you."

"For a killer you sure don't like blood."

"It's presence I'm concerned about. Blood is very unattractive. Especially on skin."

"Well my bad.."

"Yeah, sure. Now I'd like to get to my own dream with...Angela..."

"Leave her out of this."

"That's not your choice, sweetheart. Go to sleep." He reached around my neck and started to press on a nerve. He turned my head to face him, he smiled and placed a cold kiss on my forehead. I fell asleep.


I woke up crying. Shaking and sore. In shared dreams, some afflictions pass through the boundary, and affect the physical body. (I didn't know this until later on.) My heart sank. Then my phone rang, caller ID....Angela.


"Hey, love, whats the matter?"

"Nothing, it was just a bad dream."

"Oh, well George and I are going to the mall today, would you like to come? George said he hasn't seen you in a while and thought it'd be nice to hang out."

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll meet you there."

"Okay, love..bye"



Angela and George were sitting at a table in the food court. Both of them laughing. George looked up and grinned when he saw me. I quickly weaved in and out of the tables toward them, but avoiding eye contact with everyone. I sat next to Angela and set my purse on my lap. George reached across the table to shake my hand. I noticed, immediately, the note in his hand. I winced as I shook his hand and accepted the note. I quickly slid the note into my purse.

"You know, I totally forgot how you and Angela met." George said. Angela knew how to answer the question.

"I was a senior and she was a 7th grader and we both were taking advanced German, we've been friends since, and besides we understand each other."

"Well being that you both speak fluent German, I'd say so." He responded. "So, Maryana, I heard you got the opportunity to be a Master Dreamer. Did you accept?" I swallowed hard before answering.

"Not yet. I have alot on my mind." He grinned and shook his head.

"I couldn't imagine what about." I shook my head and mouthed the words 'stop'. "I mean you're a dreamer, how much can you really have on your mind?"

"Alot. Now, what are we doing today? Just FYI, I have another meeting at noon."Angela answers.

"Maryana, are you okay?"

"Ich muss dir später."

"Okay. Do you want to go? You look tired. Don't want you falling asleep during the meeting."

"Yeah that's fine. Thank you for understanding."

"Your welcome. I love you, hun. Bye."

"Bye dear."

I quickly leave and reach into my purse for my keys and the note. I opened the yellow paper and peer at the small neat scripture on the page.

Sam Mercies- Blonde
Going to Bellamy Bar on
5/18 @ 5:00

I folded up the note. Today was the 18th. I'm gonna die....

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