For The Future

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Hey everyone,
     For those who have enjoyed the Mr. X and I series, I have some news for you.

     When I started writing this story, I wrote it based off of a real dram that I had and I quickly tried to recall what happened in the dream and began writing this story. At the time, I was in high school and thought I was doing great things with this story and went off the rails with it creating the next two books in the series, one of which has yet to be completed. Mr. X: Asylum has been a total brain dump for me and I have struggled for almost 3 years now to get anything done with it.
     At this point its a string of random nonsense that I had hoped would lead up to one great finale of the series. Instead, it has sat here untouched for a massive stretch of time. So heres what the news is.
     Last year at some point I had begun REWRITTING Mr. X and I because the third book had made me realize that while mostly everyone loved the first book, it set up the last two for failure. There's gaps in the story, theres lack of detail or too much, cliche scenes, and more that I ended up hating about my writing. So, when I started rewriting it, I felt good about it and I have all intentions in moving forward with the series with this rework being the base of the story and the growth needed to make it more than a liked book, but a loved book.
     I won't be releasing it chapter by chapter, but rather all at once so that it can be enjoyed as quickly or as slowly as you need. This will be how all 3 books get released. Please stay aware for when the book is posted and I will send out a mass notification to my readers so that you can enjoy them as soon as they come out!
     Please be patient!

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