Chapter 9

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After Carl had calmed down, he sat in on the couch trying to get warm.

I gave him some food and then told him it was late.

"You can sleep on the couch." He says getting up.

"Okay, thanks Carl." I say.

I put a pillow on the couch and l lay down on the couch.

In minutes, I'm asleep.

Lilac's breathing slows and eventually she is asleep.

I lay awake thinking about my mum, about the apocalypse.

About her.

I look at her, laying there with her arm dangling over the edge.

I reach forward and brush her hand with mine.

I was going to kiss her when I was putting medicine on her, but so didn't.

I can't get too close to anyone, because they might die any day now. 

But Lilac's different.

She can see who I actually am and she understands me and this world.

I flop back down onto the floor and rest my head, and eventually drift off.

When I wake up, Carl isn't on his bed.

I sit up and rub my eyes.

"Carl?" I call out.

There's just quiet, no reply.

I start worrying then.

I run frantically out the house, yelling for Carl.

"CARL!!" I scream, not caring about the walkers hearing me.

I hear a noise behind me, so I reach down and pull out my knife.

I spin around and try to stab the attacker, but instead I spin and fall on my front.

But instead of falling onto hard, uneven ground, I fall onto a soft landing.

"Lilac! You nearly stabbed me!!" Carl's voice fills my ears.

I lift my head off his chest, and look at him.

His face is dirty and his arms are holding me.

"Where did you go?" I ask starting to cry.

"I went to get food. Hey, Lilac.....Don't cry!" Carl brushes a stand of hair behind my ear.

My vision is blurry and I see his face and sheriff hat slightly.

I lean forward and kiss him, putting my lips against his.

He is shocked but then he embraces me and hugs me to his chest.

I pull away, and look at him.

"Don't do that again. You scared the shit out of me."

Carl laughs and says, "I promise."

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