matti's memory locket

Start from the beginning

“I’m sorry I didn’t mention it, I just didn’t want you to treat me differently.” I say walking along side Jane.

“It’s alright . . . I guess. But if you don’t mind me asking what kingdom are you princess to?”

Oh I hate this question.

“The mainland.” I mumble clutching her arm in a death grip so she won't be able to jump up and down squealing.

“YOU’RE JOKING?!?!” she screeches jumping up and down any way.

 “No I’m not.”

“YOU’RE PRINCESS MATILDA!?!?! Oh my word I’ve always dreamed of meeting you! Your mother was beyond gorgeous; I just loved the way she held herself! And when she died I promise you I cried for three weeks straight! Eeek! No wonder I was jealous of your looks, you’re only like THE best looking girl in all the lands.” Jane spouts.

“Uh thanks.” I grumble having fresh memories of my mom come back in my mind.

We walk up to the castle guard, who then escorts us to our room. All the girls there are to share one massive bedroom. It has stonewalls and bunk beds, which most of these girls are not used to using. Some throw tantrums and get to have their own sleeping chambers. But the castle has limited space from all the visiting girls. Only the more common girls like how Jane and I are disguised have to stay in the bunkrooms but I'm fine with that. We finish unpacking the clothes in the trunk,  and I sit on my bunk daydreaming about my mother when a little girl with wild red hair pops up in front of me. She looks about four with brown untamed eyes that seemed to go perfectly with her hair. I would no that face anywhere.

“Gi-“ I stop myself remembering I'm in disguise.

She stares closely judging whether or not she knows me. “Matilda?” she questions.

“Hmm? How do you know my name little girl?It would be to hard for me to remember a fake name, and I’m horrible at remembering rubbish so I might as well just go with the name I have while in disguise here.

“Yeah, your’re definitely my cousin Matilda. ” She decides.

 “Shh! And how did you know!”

 “You were always a horrid actor, but don’t worry only people who know you as well as I do will recognize you.” She says planting herself on my lap and wagging her little feet.

            She's my favorite cousin and always will be to the end of time. I’m actually her godmother, and she’s like the sister I never had. Plus the kid reminds me a lot of myself, and it’s funny to realize how annoying I was back in my younger days. Some of the girls walk past us whispering giving Giddy and I funny looks.

Everyone knows the tale of Giddy’s birth. Her mother, the Queen/my aunty, always wanted a daughter but after having five boys the thought seemed hopeless. She was still young but had become barren and it would be a miracle if something like birth were to happen. The Queen lived in solitude depressed she could never have her daughter. The King tried and tried to get his once peppy wife out of her mood, but nothing was working. The once ecstatic over enthusiastic Queen was no more, this kingdom suffered greatly from it. Plus this happened around the same time my mother died, so the whole kingdom was in a state of loss. Three years later, one-year-old Giddy comes crawling into the castle’s banquet hall. The King is having a very important meeting for the war that's supposed to start during the winter solstice, and there right in front the king is a child. With red hair like that of the royals she looks just like royallty except of course for the fact she's covered in grime form head to toe.

            The king stares at her perplexed by the idea of a baby randomly appearing in his heavily guarded meeting. Giddy giggles and claps her hands the noise echoes through the dead silent hall. And as if it were planned the Queen stepped into the hall, finally allowing more than just the King to see her. She was coming to discuss the war with everyone else, but once she layed eyes on Giddy she ran to her and scooped her in her arms claiming her as her own.

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