Tyler Seguin [3/4]

Start from the beginning

I sighed and took his hand and pulled him along to the couch. "Sit down. I'll order some pizza or something and we can watch a movie."

He smiled. "Is this a date?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I'm just taking care of you, I can't exactly do that from my apartment."

"You know, I've always fantasized about a nurse-"

I glared at him, hoping he didn't notice I was sightly blushing. "If you don't shut up I'll get in my car right now and go ask Jamie's mom to come take care of you."

He chuckled. "Okay, I'll stop. Just come sit by me, I feel lonely."

I obliged and took a seat beside him, already on the Papa John's app ready to start ordering. After asking him his address and what kind of pizza he wanted and placing the order, I put my phone down and looked up at the TV. I immediately recognized the movie that was on.

"Are we really going to watch 'I Know What You Did Last Summer?'" I asked. "I'm sure we can find something better."

He raised an eyebrow but handed me the remote. "No chick flicks."

I nodded and changed scrolled through the channels and stopped at a hockey game. "No complaining, the Islanders are my favorite team."

"Your shirt says otherwise," he muttered, referring to my Stars shirt. "Besides, you already know they're gonna lose."

I sighed. "So what do you suggest we do?"

He shrugged. "We could make this into a little date, get to know each other."

"Are you always this desperate?" I asked, holding back a grin.

"Only for you, babe."

I sighed. "Fine. I'm gonna have to be around you for a week, might as well get to know you."


"It's time for your meds," I said, handing Tyler a glass of water and two pills.

He took them from me and swallowed them. "Are these the ones that are going to knock me out?"

I nodded. "Only for about 4 hours. You should be up by dinner time." I picked up my bag and searched around for my keys. "I'm gonna go home for a bit while you sleep, I'll be back later." I started walking towards the door but turned back around and walked towards him. "Let me see your phone."

"Why?" he asked but unlocked it and handed it over anyway.

I put in my number and handed it back to him. "Call me if you need me."

He gave me a smile and nodded. "Will do, Doctor (Y/N)."

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door and to my car. I drove back to my apartment and was surprised to see Skyler sitting on the couch, watching tv when I walked in.

"How did everything go with Jamie's parents?" I asked after grabbing a water bottle and taking a seat beside her.

She shrugged. "I think they liked me. I came back because they were going to go sightseeing or whatever, but as you already know, there's not much more of Dallas for me to see." She patted my thigh. "What about you and Tyler, did you get it on with the cripple?"

"Skyler!" I slapped her shoulder and moved a few inches away from her. "I don't even like him like that!"

Skyler giggled. "I'm no professional but from the way he looks at you it seems like he likes you. Are you sure there's no hidden feelings?"

"Do you remember that guy I told you I met years ago in Toronto?"

"The one from the bar?" she looked at me in confusion. "What does that have to do with Tyler?"

"That guy was Tyler."

Her eyes widened. "Cut your crap... are you being serious?"

I nodded. "He told me this morning that he recognized me last night."

She let out a squeal. "You were practically in love with that guy! This is great!"

"That doesn't mean anything, Sky. That was years ago."

She frowned. "But this is a sign! You were both in Toronto, that didn't work out, you both ended up in Boston, that didn't work out, third time's a charm. You've both ended up in Dallas, it means you're meant to be!"

"If it makes you feel any better, he asked me on a date and I'm thinking about saying yes." I held up a finger before she could say anything. "But that doesn't mean I like him, it just means I'm reassuring myself."

She smirked. "Mhmm, reassuring for what exactly."

I glared at her. "Reassuring myself that there are no feelings for him." I picked up the remote and changed the channel to Nickelodeon when I saw Spongebob was on. "Now shut up before I call Jamie's mom and make up a bunch of lies to make you look bad."

"I love you too, (y/n)," she muttered in response.


"I hope you like Chinese because I'm not in the mood for cooking." I set the bags down on the coffee table and turned behind me. "Jamie and Skyler are on their way over."

Tyler closed the door and went back to the couch. "I'm not all that hungry."

"Too bad, you have to eat so you can take your other pills."

There was a knock at the door followed by Jamie and Skyler walking in.

"I hope for your own good that you bought egg rolls," Skyler started talking the minute she walked in. "If you didn't, I suggest you get in your car and go get some."

I held up a bag. "I got you covered."

She helped me finish unpacking the food and Jamie got drinks while I got plates from the kitchen.

"Thanks for doing this (y/n)," Jamie said giving me a pat on the back. "You'll be a great nurse someday."

"Yeah, as if I'll ever be okay with seeing blood or being coughed on." I gave him a smile. "It's the least I could do, who knows what would've happened last night if it weren't for Tyler."

"(Y/n) of you don't get in here with those plates I'm gonna start eating from the containers!" Skyler shouted.

I nudged Jamie. "Let's go, I don't doubt Skyler could eat everything."

I think the real question here is if I'll ever finish writing this... I might as well just make it into a full on fan fic. I'm not 100% okay with this chapter but I just wanna get it out of the way and publish it so I can get to the next part which is what I'm hella excited for.

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