3. Brandon Saad

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"Please tell me this is some kind of fucked up joke," I mumbled as I scrolled through Twitter. My brother had texted me seconds earlier asking if I had heard "the news." I had no idea what he had been talking about but my guess was it had something to do with Brandon, my boyfriend of two years.

"What's wrong?" my mom asked, taking a seat across from me at the table.

I put my phone down. "Brandon's going to Columbus..." I sighed. "I should probably go see him, right?"

My mom nodded. "Don't worry about our plans, I'm sure we can find another day to go shopping."

I gave her a hug before going out to my car and driving to the house I shared with Brandon. We had gotten into a fight a few days ago, I left and had been staying at my mom's house. I hadn't seem him since and needless to say, I missed him.

The drive from my mom's to our house was only about ten minutes so it wasn't long before I was standing in front of the door, searching for my keys.

As I pulled them out of my purse the door opened, revealing a very tired. Brandon.


I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him. "Is it true?"

He closed the door after me and sighed. "That I'm going to Columbus? Yeah."

I felt my eyes begin to tear up. If you had told me a week before that Brandon would be leaving Chicago I would have laughed.

"So what now..." I whispered, sinking down into the leather couch.

He took a seat beside me and sighed. "(Y/n), I love you to death, but I would never make you leave a city you love so much. Your life has always been here in Chicago, your future revolved around Chicago. As much as I want you to come with me I understand if you don't want to."

I shook my head. "But I can't be away from you, you're everything to me. These past few days have been the worst, you have no idea how much I wanted to turn around the second I walked out that door." On instinct I turned towards him and crashed into his chest. "I can't imagine being without you."

He kissed the top of my head. "So come with me. I know you've always had the idea of living here forever and trust me, I never thought I'd be leaving Chicago so soon but there's so much we can do in Columbus."

I took in a deep breath and looked up at him. "When do you have to leave?"

"A little less than two weeks."

I pulled away from him and walked over to my laptop which was still where I had left it. I picked it up and typed as I walked back to Brandon.

"What are you doing?" He asked, looking over my shoulder.

I typed in "houses in Columbus Ohio", into the search bar and clicked on the first link. "If we're moving to a new city, we better have somewhere to live."

He smiled. "So that means you're coming with me?"

"Obviously," I said giving him a quick kiss. "There's no way in hell I'd ever find someone else to put up with me."

He laughed and walked over to the desk in the corner and retrieved something from the drawer. "It's a good thing you want to come with me because I have a very important question I've been meaning to ask you." He dropped down to one knee and pulled a small box out of his pocket. "This isn't how I had planned to do this but our fight messed up my plans."

I felt myself begin to tear up. "Brandon...oh my..."

"(Y/n), could you please make me the happiest man on earth and marry me??"

Its almost 2 a.m and I just got back from a concert but I needed to get this done. It's really short but this is just a little way to say thanks to my best friend for helping me out on the last imagine and for keeping my Tumblr active while I'm busy.

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