The Twin Dragons

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Gajeel didn't know who threw the first punch, but he knew he was second to fall on his ass. The worse thing was, Natsu was the first. Sting and Rogue were more powerful than the two dragons had hoped. "So should we end them here?" Rogue asked. He had a bored tone in his voice which only pushed Gajeel to get up and hit him with an iron club. Rogue fell and Sting took a quick glance at Gajeel just in time for Natsu to hit him in the face with a flaming fist.

Sting and Rogue now looked up at Gajeel and Natsu, Gajeel noticed they didn't have horns or wings. In fact, the only thing that these two had that made them look dragon at all was scales. They had the dragon scales. Rogue's were a dark grey, maybe even black. Sting on the other hand had bright white ones. What kind of-

Gajeel flew back getting hit with a "roar". It was a black shadow that hit him. He looked back in the direction to see Natsu looking at him confused, he was just in time to see Sting so the same but it was a white light that his roar gave. Natsu lay unconscious next to Gajeel and that is when he noticed Levy and Lucy were standing behind them.

"Gajeel!" Levy said kneeling down and touching his shoulder. "Are you-" A guard grabbed her. He had one hand over her mouth while the other was wrapped around her neck.

"Let her go!" Gajeel yelled getting up quickly but Rogue came up behind him and shoved him down to the ground again.

"Take them back to the queen's room." Sting ordered and the two guards, one had Lucy in similar hold, walked through the gates with their struggling prisoners.

Rogue had his foot down on Gajeel's back. He stomped him the the ground harder and he let out a breath, which was knocked out of his lungs. His wings ached under Rogue's foot. "Let me see here..." Sting said stepping over. He knelt down beside Gajeel and grabbed one of his wings. Gajeel glared at him. "I wonder, does this hurt?" He ran his claw down Gajeel's wing ripping through the soft scales.

Gajeel's yelled of pain answered Sting's question which caused a huge smirk to crawl across his face. Gajeel's glance went from Sting to where Natsu had been laying. He was gone and Gajeel smirked himself.

Levy struggled against the guard and saw Lucy doing the same. Levy bit down on the guard's hand which made him yell out in pain, jerking his hand away. He loosened his grip on her neck which left an opening for Levy to elbow his stomach and break free. She looked over and saw Lucy pinning her guard to the ground. "Nice work, Lu!" Levy smiled at her.

Lucy returned Levy's smile and the two ran to the front doors for more guards to stop them. They were surrounded. "Really?!" Lucy whined pressing her back against Levy's. It was not very proper for a queen to fight for her life, but the situation called for it so Levy had no objections and it didn't seem like Lucy did either.

"Let them go." The girls heard another female's voice. It was Yukino. She stepped through the crowd of guards and gave them a small smile. "They have two brave men waiting for their help."

"But Captain-" one guard started.

"That's an order!" Yukino yelled. "Get back to your posts!" The guards scattered quickly.

"Why are you helping us?" Lucy asked.

"Because Sting and Rogue killed the king and queen of Sabertooth to gain those powers. They were head of the army and when they heard of the curse they thought they had the blood for it. They played it off like they were killed in a carriage accident, but once I saw that I knew." Yukino had a disgusted looked on her face. "Go take down those bastards!"

Levy and Lucy nodded and ran out the palace doors and to the gates that were still raised. Levy's breath was caught in her throat when she saw the scene in front of her. Gajeel was badly beaten but still standing. One of his wings was folded weird, which only made her assume it was broken. She glanced at Natsu who seemed in better shape. The four dragon's stared each other down ready to attack.

Levy glanced at Lucy who was signaling to grab Sting and Rogue from behind. Levy nodded agreeing and they inched forward. "Lucy?" Natsu questioned standing up straight right before they could jump on them.

Levy's heart raced when the twin dragon's turned around. Sting wrapped his claws around her throat while Lucy was hit to the ground. "Ah, Queen Levy. You should've stayed inside." He hissed. He lifted her of the ground choking her. She tried to pry his hand off, but it was hopeless. He was too strong and she was already feeling weak.

Lucy screamed in pain as she was yanked up by her hair. This pissed Natsu off. He pulled Rogue off of Lucy and landed a blow on his face. The two threw punches at each other until Natsu started feeling a burning in his chest. He opened his mouth and blew out hitting Rogue with a fiery roar.

Lucy stared up at the two in surprise. She was shocked and when the flames flew out of Natsu's mouth she ducked so they wouldn't hit her. It was pretty low to the ground.

Natsu smirked as Rogue landed beside Lucy. He held his hand out to her and when she took it he took her into an embrace. "You're okay." He whispered in her ear. He buried his face in her neck as she hugged him tighter.

Gajeel lunged at Sting. He tackled him to the side making him drop Levy, but carry her to the ground as the two fell. He landed on his bad wing which made him dig his claws into Sting's sides before he got back up. Sting grabbed his sides and rolled over glaring at Gajeel. "You made a mistake touching my shrimp." Gajeel spit.

"She's a queen..." Sting said but Gajeel stomped his foot down on Sting pushing the air out of his chest. He hit him with an iron club knocking him out.

"Levy?" Gajeel whispered looking at her. He stepped closer to her. She laid motionless. "Shorty, please say something!" He saw the red blood on her neck and his heart picked up pace. "Shrimp...?"

Confessions of Dragons (Gajevy/NaLu) {Fairy Tail}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant