The Captives

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Levy gave Sting and Rogue a fake smile as Juvia handed her the wedding dress. "Juvia needs to know if the measurements are exact! Go try it on, please." Juvia said smiling brightly at the queen.

Levy sighed and Sting and Rogue stepped out of her room. She took off her clothes slowly and Lucy came in giving her a small smile. "Let me help you." She said tiredly. Levy could tell her friend hadn't been getting much sleep. It was in her voice, and the bags under her eyes were really noticeable. She was more torn up about marrying Sting than Levy was about Rogue and the queen couldn't blame her. Lucy was taking a huge step into power, losing her right to pick who she wanted to love, and she was marrying Sting, who murdered her "adoptive parents".

Levy stepped into the dress and Lucy pulled it up for her. Juvia stood on the other side as Lucy laced it up for her. Levy let out a breath as the dress tightened around her torso. "Must it be so tight?" She said breathless.

"Sorry." Lucy said tiredly. She yawned and undid the lacing and started lacing it again but slower. The further up she went, the slower Levy noticed she was going. She glanced at the mirror just in time to see Lucy finish the lacing. Her eyes fluttered as she fought sleep.

"Lu, when was the last time you slept?!" Levy said spinning around quickly, the hem of her dress spun in a perfect circle puffing out.

"Three days ago? I've been working so much to prepare our wedding on top of being stressed that I haven't really found time to. Plus any time I try to rest, Sting comes in and tries to get me to..." She trailed off looking at her feet.

"Oh..." Levy said biting her lip. Juvia walked over making sure everything was good with Levy's dress while the two talked. "I'm sorry, Lu. He's a monster."

Lucy shrugged, "It's for the kingdom right?" She asked giving her friend a tired, but sad, smile. Lucy never really looked happy anymore when she smiled. A lot of the liveliness that was in her eyes before was gone too. She was completely heartbroken over Natsu.

Levy thought of Gajeel, she was heart broken and she missed him but she wasn't getting the same effect that Lucy was. Levy really never had her hope of spending the rest of her life with Gajeel. She knew she would've never been able to because of her parents.

She let out a sigh as Juvia unlaced her dress. "It is ready for the wedding in eight days." Juvia said. "Where should Juvia put it, my lady?"

"Just put it in my closest with all my other dresses." She said slipping on a night gown. She sat at her window. "That'll be all, thank you Juvia."

"You did look nice in it."Lucy said sitting beside her. She yawned again still fighting sleep.

"I guess. White isn't really my color." Levy started playing with the hem of her short night gown. It was a light orange.

"That's true." Lucy laughed then yawned again. "I should head to my room and try to sleep."

"No." Levy said. "Go to your room, change then come back here. You can sleep in my bed. I'm not tired right now and I need to know you'll get proper rest."

"Are you sure?" She asked.

Levy nodded looking down at the gates. Yukino had two people surrounded with guards. From what Levy had observed in the last week of the Sabertooth guards taking over, Yukino only stopped people she was suspicious of. A man with long dark hair and one with pink hair, real suspicious Yukino. Wait...

Levy stood up and opened the window sticking her head out to get a better view. The man with the dark hair looked up at her and Levy's hear skipped a beat. She turned around and ran into Lucy who was making her way back into Levy's room.

Confessions of Dragons (Gajevy/NaLu) {Fairy Tail}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن