The Curse

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Gajeel stood outside of Levy's chambers waiting for word on how she was doing. He sighed crossing his arms in front of his chest. This is my fault. I let her out on that battlefield and didn't object to her being there. What kind of army captain does that? He tapped his foot and Natsu met up with him. He touched his shoulder and Gajeel brushed it off. "What's the news on the queen?" he asked.

"She just passed..." He replied running his fingers through his pink hair. He let out a sigh. "They managed to take out our king and queen. That leaves the princess in charge... assuming she makes it be-,"

Gajeel shoved Natsu up against the stone wall aggressively. "She'll make it." He hissed. He stared Natsu down then looked straight into his eyes.

Natsu squinted his eyes a bit and Gajeel let him go. He turned his back to him. He doesn't know she was with me when she took the blow, does he? "How did the princess end up in harm's way?" Natsu asked leaning up against the wall he was just pinned against.

Gajeel's red eyes glanced over his shoulder, "She ran out on the battlefield." An honest soldier and captain never lies...


"And she threw herself in front of the blade before it could hit me." Gajeel sighed in defeat. Natsu wanted him to say it.

"I knew it." Natsu exclaimed happily.

Gajeel turned a one-eighty quickly glaring at the pink haired idiot. "What? You knew what exactly?"

"The princess loooves you." He said with a playful smile.

Gajeel blushed and the turned away trying to keep his tough demeanor. "I highly doubt that. She's so kind, soft, gentle and I am a mean, hard headed, jackass that really doesn't deserve any kind of love she could offer. I don't deserve kindness. Especially after this. She has saved my life twice now." He leaned back against the wall next to Levy's door.  It opened a second later.

"Luce!" Natsu said somewhat excitedly. Gajeel just glared at him thinking he was an idiot for being so happy at a time like this. The tragedy of any kingdom.

"She'll be okay." Lucy said ignoring Natsu and looking at Gajeel. She had blood on her hands, face, and chest. She then looked at Natsu as Gajeel walked into Levy's chamber's slowly.

Erza, Wendy, and Juvia all made the way out of Levy's room and Gajeel closed the door. He moved to Levy'a bed, the drapes were closed. He pulled them back and saw Levy breathing steadily. He smiled as she slept. He sat on the side of her bed and brushed a piece of hair out of her face. She so peaceful while she sleeps.

Gajeel gasped when her eyes opened suddenly. She sat up making a pained face and she hugged him tightly. "Cap..." She trailed off then looked into his eyes, "Gajeel..." She bit her lip and looked away.

She's nervous. She only bites her lip when she is nervous.

"Princess, what is it?" He asked as her let her have her arms around him. He looked into her eyes as tears filled them. "Levy..."

"I-I thought I'd lost you." She whispered. Her eyes shifted to the right looking at her room. She rested her head on his shoulder, "They already told me about my parents..." She looked back at Gajeel. "I can't run this kingdom with just me and Lu. It won't work. We need our army's captain."

Gajeel sighed looking at her. He thought she was going to say she loved him. Maybe he had to confess his love to her to tell her how what she said just impacted his heart. He mentally slapped himself. What are you, some kind of sissy?

"G-Gajeel," Levy said with a terrified voice. She moved away from him quickly. "Gajeel wh-what are you?"

Gajeel looked at her confused. He looked down at his hands. They were almost claw like, like-like a dragon. He stood up quickly and looked in the mirror. His skin was a sort of grey metallic scale color. He turned back to Levy who shook in fear. "Levy I..."

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