"I'm perfectly fine with my books thanks." He replied.

Before I could reply the Durmstrang Headmaster interrupted. "If you would all follow me then please." Then took off walking briskly down the corridor.

Okay I was a bit wrong. I thought it would be warmer inside the castle. The fact was that it was not much warmer than outside. A few degrees possibly. Everytime you walked past a torch you could feel slight heat radiating from it.

We eventually got to another set of huge doors. You could hear the sound of chattering on the other side. As soon as Kubura swung the doors open, the noise died down instantly. I guess the whole scary dragon warrior thing got around.

The room was massive. About 100 long chandeliers dangled from the ceiling each holding about 10 candles bathing the room in a soft glow, which was odd compared to the harseness of the rest of the castle. The amount of candles in the room made the temperature quite pleasant. At least I wasn't shivering anymore. One huge round table sat in the middle of the room and four, equally big round tables sat in each corner of the room. You could have easily sat about 100 people to each table.

All I could see was a sea of red robes and in the far left corner about 20 pretty girls in satin blue.

Beauxbatons girls. I could see a few of them waving at Colette who smiled at them. I guess they were not the bitchy ones then.

"Everyone." Kubura announced to the main hall. His voice echoed. "Please welcome Hogwarts School."

Everyone clapped politely. I looked around at the Durmstrang boys who were all pointing at us muttering to each other.

We made our way in a line to a space allocated on one of the far tables whilst the teachers went to join the other teachers in the table in the middle.

I ended up sitting next to a quite dashing Durmstrang boy who looked as if he was around my age. He had a shock of black hair and a dazzling smile from what I saw as I sat down.

"You are Lily Potter, daughter of Harry Potter?" He said in a strong Romanian accent.

"Yes. That's me." I smiled awkwardly. I got this all the time. I swear like everyone knew who I was since I was born. James and Albus sometimes got confused but as I was my fathers only daughter everyone just knew me.

"You are...how to say....very beautiful." He picked up one of my hands and kissed it softly.

"Uhhh-hh- thanks" I stuttered. "And your name is?"


"Isn't Xavier spanish?"

"My mother is spanish, my father is romanian. I grew up in Romania, until I get sent here of course."

"Is it hard being so far away from home for the whole year?"

"Not really. I mean life at home wasnt all that anyway."

"Yeah Xavier had us! Not to mention the fact that he's the best wizard in the whole school." One of his friends beside him put an arm around him and ruffled his hair. Xavier sat there looking slightly amused.

"I'm really not." He shrugged of his friends arm. "Are you entering this competition." He gestured to the large cup at the front of the hall.

"Ohh no. I'm too young...I'm here for entertainment purposes only."

"Really." He looked slightly alarmed.

"Oh noo not that kind of entertainment! Nooooo!" I started laughing.

"I was going to say."

"No haha...I meant watch and laugh at my brother screw up if he gets picked."

I think I'm in love with a Malfoy.Where stories live. Discover now