Ch.1- The Guy Called Drew.

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"Okay, Mindy, what do you want?" I asked.

"I need you to eavesdrop on Demi and Josh's conversation, I just know there's something going on between them." She said, looking at Demi and Josh in the distance, looking secretive.

"Okay, you have to pay me $10." I opened my hand.

"But someone said you were doing half price deals." She said, disappointed.

"What in the world?! Listen, I do not do any special offers, do you think I like being looked at like a freak that's always around when people are having private conversations?!" I hissed.

"Argh! Fine." She handed me the money. "And for the record, you are a freak. That's why you have no friends."

"Thanks Mindy. You're so nice."

"I know." And with a swish of her long blonde hair, she disappeared into the crowd.

I swiftly moved towards Demi and Josh, acting as if I was minding my business. I pretended to be on my phone, then did something that nearly injured my poor baby (my phone); I chucked it right behind where the where talking. I pretended to be all shocked and rushed to put all the pieces back together. While I was busy scrambling the bits of the phone everywhere so it would take longer to put the phone back together again, I heard small bits of their conversation and I edged closer.

"Why do you even like Mindy?! She looked like she got gang-banged by oranges!" Demi hissed, I thought Mindy was her best friend.

"But she's so nice, and caring and fun." He said, dreamily.

"Are you stupid?! She's evil, and she's on to us. I just know it."

"Fine, I'll dump her."

I put my phone together again and jumped up, knocking them both down in the process.

"Fixed it!!" I yelled, and rushed over to Mindy's locker.

"So, what were they saying?" She asked.

"He said he's going to dump you for Demi." I said.

"What?!" She shrieked. Then she did something rather unsuspecting, she burst into tears. "I DID EVERYTHING RIGHT!"

"Get over it, Jeez. You knew it was coming. To be honest if I was Josh, I would've dumped you the minute you rolled around in oranges. Like, seriously, how is that tan attractive?" I said bitterly. Who cares if the girl just got dumped, she's always mean to me.

"I thought we had something special Clarissa, I really did." She sniffed.

"Well I didn't." With that I turned and walked off, my sneakers making an annoying sound in the process.

The bell rung for 1st period and I hurried off to class.


Mr Howard droned on and on, half the class were asleep.

"Pssst! Psst!" I heard behind me, then I felt something quite like a pencil stabbing me in the back. "Psst!"

"WHAT?!" I hissed, spinning around to face the cute blonde boy.

"Nothing.." He said, and laughed like a 6 year old.

The same thing happened again, this time I turned and gave him a threatening glare.

"What.Do.You.Want?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I need you to listen to Cassandra and Polly's conversation, see if Cassandra likes me." He whispered.

"It's Cassie. And give me $10." I replied.

He slid the money under the table and I took it, stuffing it into my pocket.

I leaned forward and listened in to their conversation. I heard some mumbling then the conversation became clearer.

"Drew is so hot, I so want to date him." Cassie said dreamily.

"I know right?" Polly replied.

I leaned back and swung on the chair and tilted my head backwards so I was facing that guy.

"She likes some guy called Drew." I said.

The boy went red out of anger and punched the boy next to him.

"Oooh. So that's Drew.."

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