Chapter 14: Lucy and the Lamb

Start from the beginning

"Vaas!" she squealed. She struggled even more, disgusted by Vaas' erection being clearly misplaced. This was not the place right now, neither the time. 

"It's how much I fucking want you, bella," he purred in her ear. She groaned and struggled some more, but he was too strong. 

"Keep that thing in its' place or I swear to God I'll cut it off!" she yelled, hitting her shoulders in his chest, which only got a chuckle out of him. 

"Why don't we satisfy it, no, hm?" he said, his grip loosening. That's just what she needed. She kicked her foot and rammed it in his knee, sending him backpedaling and letting her arms go. "Mierda!" he shouted out in pain. Myra twisted around and slapped his face. Vaas chuckled soon after, and slapped her back. Her face became sore just as he took a giant step towards her. She threw her elbow up, but missed when Vaas bent down... and pulled her fucking trousers down! 

"What the fuck, Vaas!" she yelled, falling down, trousers at her ankles. He stood triumphantly in front of her, watching her struggle to pull her pants back up. When she was done, cheeks burning and holding her trouser, she yelled obscenities at his face. When her mouth felt dry from yelling everything she had on her heart at Vaas, she sighed. "Just don't fucking do things like that again, it's embarrassing," she admitted. 

"Quit whining," he chanted, offering his hand for her to take. She didn't. "C'mon let's go back to camp. It's getting fucking dark out here and the cocksucking monkeys like to come out at this hour," he informed her. 

They walked back to camp in silence, Vaas staying at a reasonable distance from Myra. Once they got back to Vaas' shanty, Vaas went his way and Myra went hers. She locked herself in her tiny room and pealed off her tank top and trousers. She felt so sore and, looking in the small mirror, her face was covered in tiny bruises. Not to mention the ones on her body. A huge blue and purple bruise lay on the side of her left hip. It was probably the same size as a baby's head. She pressed a finger on it and whimpered when pain shot up her nerves. Her spine felt like it would crack if she didn't lie down sooner or later. Her bones felt like fire and the only thing she wanted to do was sleep. After a whole day of hand to hand combat with Vaas, not to mention executing a friend, Myra wanted sleep. 

She took her boots off, snuggled under the covers, and closed her eyes, curling herself in a ball. Then came the knock on the door.

"Myra," Vaas' voice chanted up to her. She groaned and rolled her eyes.

"What?" she spat. The wooden door creaked open as Vaas entered. She didn't turn around to look at him. She wanted to sleep, escape the world, and enter her dreamland. She heard him move towards her mattress and crouch down. He poked her shoulder with his hand, inciting her to move over. 

"Scoot," he ordered. She didn't budge.

"No," she retorted, anger in her voice. 

"Just scoot the fuck over, Myra," he grunted. She was in her underwear, but Vaas had already seen her when she bathed. So with a heavy dramatic sigh, Myra scooted over towards the wall, back still turned to Vaas. She felt him slide in and felt his skin brush against her. He wasn't wearing pants.

"If you're naked I will slaughter you," she threatened. He chuckled, the sound echoing off the walls.

"Why don't you turn around and see," he teased. She hesitated two times before turning around. He wasn't naked ( she did feel a tad of disappointment), but he was shirtless and had on what appeared to be black sport shorts that went down to his knees. She looked up and he gave her a wink. With one arm, he circled her shoulders and invited her to snuggle against him. She did, putting her head on his shoulder. He did the same thing as last time, taking her leg and sprawling it over his stomach. He kept his hand on Myra's knee, drawing circles on the bare skin with his thumb. Fire lit up her flesh were his warm palm was pressing.

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