Chapter 22

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     "Now!" I realized that Cody had just given the signal, so I pulled the string back and released the arrow, sending it sailing at Mobzilla. I heard it bellow in annoyance as our arrows clattered against his scales, and he shook his muzzle. I spotted Night stab the beast's foot before teleporting away, then returning and poking it again, hissing in fury. I couldn't help but feel a spark of admiration as he and Wildstar stabbed the creature's other foot. Sherbert and Oli were hanging on to its tail, attempting to pierce its scales from there. Ryan and Joe were distracting the creature by making a lot of noise, mainly cracking jokes and laughing so hard that I could hear it from here. Melody, I realized, was rushing up the mountain and stopped beside us, breathing heavily.

     "It's time." Now for the second part. I nodded and turned around, then ran into the first cave I could find while the others started running down the mountain to assist the others. I took a deep breath, then stepped forward towards a spawner in a dungeon nearby, which immediately summoned seven aliens. I had been practicing, so I think I could pull this off.

     "ek ek ek, uck ow, uck ow! (who are you stranger!?)" One barked. I blinked hard, glaring at it.

     "h h h! uch ow, uck ow. (I need to ask for something, oh noble creatures)" I politely spoke. They looked at each other in surprise, ruffling their head feathers. "Hck h h h. (Who is your leader?)" Then one stepped forward.

     "hrowowow! (what is it you seek, creature who speaks our tongue?)" It asked, opening and closing its mouth to show off its teeth. I bowed my head respectfully.

     "uck ek ek, ruch row, rek rr. (Mobzilla has returned)" I announced. The aliens behind the leader started chattering quietly while the leader tipped its head.

     "Hrowowow! (and why do you speak to us of this?)" It growled.

     "Growowowow! (Because he affects everyone!)" I hissed, drawing up my height slightly. "Rrrowowow, owowowow! (because Mobzilla shall destroy the world if we do not do something, that's why Enderlox himself put the beast down all those centuries ago!)" The leader lowered its feathers, shaking its head violently.

     "Hr hr hr! (very well then, what do we do?)" It asked. I jerked my head to the entrance.

     "Urk ow. (Follow me)" I barked, then charged out of the cave and ran to the overgrown lizard, Mobzilla. The aliens ran past me, snarling as they charged him. Mobzilla roared in pain as they jumped on him, making him stumble around.

     "Look out!" My heart dropped when I saw Night push Melody out of the way, right in front of Mobzilla. The sand under him gave away, and he fell into the water.

     "NIGHT!!!!!!!" I screamed as my vision went dark for a moment, deafening everyone. I shouted my pain, trembling as I kneeled over for a moment. Then a warm feeling went through me, giving me strength along with my fury. My hands felt really hot as I ran at Mobzilla. Screaming strings of curses, I punched Mobzilla hard in the ankle, making him bellow in agony as he fell to his knees. I fell blind to what I was doing, not feeling anything but the grief in my chest as my fists flew, seeming to be on fire. Finally, I found myself staring into the creature's eyes as his head laid next to me, breathing roughly. I yelled before smashing my fist against its job, and it went limp. I was breathing heavily, letting my arms drop beside me. Then I remembered. Night.

     I quickly turned and dove into the water, squinting in the dark murky liquid before spotting him. His eyes were closed, and there were bruises all over him. I bit back a sob to avoid loosing air as I grabbed his hand and swam back up. I tossed Night out of the water before me, then I quickly ripped off my jacket and wrapped him in it. After the bruises stopped forming, I dared to look up.

     Wildstar, Oli, Sherbert, Melody, Cody, Ryan, Joe and Scott were staring at me in horror, mainly my face. I lifted my hand and felt my forehead, realizing that both that and my hand were wet with purple blood. Mobzilla's. I felt my face flush in embarrassment, then I realized something else. I had just killed an overgrown lizard over a thousand blocks tall on my own!

     "EnderShade." Cody knelt down beside me. "Look at your reflection." I tilted my head and caught sight of my reflection. I gasped. Someone who looked a lot like me, and yet didn't, was watching me. My hair was really filthy, the dye in it was almost gone and revealing my dark brown hair. With out my jacket, my white t-shirt was revealed to the sunrise light, but the sleeves were partially ripped. My shorts, fortunately, were not torn, which was good since they were short enough. My amethyst headphones were fortunately in perfect condition too. But the scariest thing about me? Besides the purple blood that I was covered in?

     My eyes were no longer red. They were purple, but right now they were glowing.

     What's wrong with me!?

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