Chapter 9

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     The house was peaceful. Everyone was sound asleep, except for me and Night, when it happened.

     "EnderShade, go to sleep." Night urged. I shook my head.

     "Nu uh. I'm not tired."


     "I did."


     "Ch ch ch. Uch ow. Uch ow." Both of our heads jerked to the window. I ran up to it and pressed my blocky hands against it.

     "ROWOWOW!" Night teleported us a few blocks away right before the glass shattered, and a huge black snout pressed through the building. I caught sight of its huge black scales and purple spikes.

     "What-?" I tried to ask, only to be interrupted by a grey creature with peacock feathers on its head. It jumped through the window and lept at me. I screamed as Night and I barely teleported to safety. The hallway.

     "WHAT IS THAT NOTCH CURSED CREATURE!?" I screamed angrily. Night gave me a knowing look before opening one of the guest rooms' doors.

     "Melody, Oli, Sherbert, Wildstar!" He called out. "We're under attack!" Everyone came out when another peacock creature darted through the hallways, so fast that I barely had time to throw up my hands in front of  my face, resulting in its teeth sinking into my wrists. Night made a growling noise and grabbed the creature, teleporting away with it. Sherbert helped me up as the others made their way down the nearby stairs.

     "Come on, EnderShade! Don't give in." She urged me as we stumbled after them. My vision slowly blurred as I managed to grab my black sword and my golden sword from next to the armor stand. Sherbert was still dragging me after the group when Melody fell back deliberately and took my other side, improving our speed.

     "Let's get outta here, away from that... thing." She gasped breathlessly, obviously tired. I looked back to see the black and purple creature, taller than what used to be my home. Anger churned in me from head to toe as we fled into the trees.

     Once again, my home is destroyed. I now belong nowhere but with these kind people and Night. I swear on my father's sword, and my sword, that I will pay back that creature. By Notch, I will,

     I vowed in my head. My vision grew worse as Wildstar and Oli took the two swords I beared, attempting to lighten the load. My eyes rolled in the back of my head, and I blacked out, my last thought asking myself if Night was ok.

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