Chapter 5

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     I led my new friends through the double doors made of birch wood, into the living room. It was more like a family room, containing 21 armor stands, a TV, a huge couch with a coffee table, and animals of every peaceful mob wandering around the house. My wolf, Luna, scampered up to me.

     "Woof! (You're back!)" I giggled and squatted down, scratching the top of her head.

     "Bark bark! (Nice to see you too!)" I gave Luna a piece of pork before running off to play with Jeffery the pig (Yeah, MinecraftUniverse's pig). Then Fluffy the Rabbit hopped past me to sniff the newcomers.

     "Well, you're Miss Popular-With-The-Mobs." Oli decided while Wildstar pet Fluffy. Melody just kept a safe distance from it.

     "IT'S SO FLUFFY!!!" She yelled, accidentally making Fluffy scamper away. "Awwwww!" She let out a fake sniff, pretending to be hurt before laughing. "Ah, sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

     "No, it's ok." I patted Fluffy, who had let curiosity get the best of her again. 'She's the newest addition to the household." I led them past a few stories of the place to a hallway of guest rooms Night and I had made just in case. I pushed open the first one. "You guys can crash in these rooms. They're spare ones." Oli gently pressed his blocky hand against the first block he saw, which was a sea lantern.

     "How did you get a sea lantern? We're miles away from any large bodies of water, next to a Savannah, and Sea Palaces are rare." I started chuckling at the memory and sat down on the master bed (two Minecraft beds btw).



     "Night?" I asked innocently. He looked over at me from the fading stars, giving me a quizzical look.

     "Can we try finding water? Other than the pond we always play at? I've never seen an ocean before, the ones you've told me about." He had told me stories before of vast bodies of water, harbored with squids, and rarely, Guardians with their Ancients in Palaces of Sea bricks. Prismarine was a rare block here.

     "..... Yeah, fine." He decided.

     We serched chunks and chunks of the Blocky world, so far that it took minutes for the land to generate. Finally, our feet touched sand.

          "Night!?" I squealed excitedly. "We did it!" I jumped into the first few blocks of water, only to realise how deep it was. "EEEEEKKK!!!!!" I scurried out of the water and scrambled away from the beckoning waves while Night cracked up. I just stuck my tongue out at him before peering at the water. "Night, I see a structure..." My eyes widened in awe. "It's a Sea Palace!" I jumped up in glee.

     Night chuckled. "And how do you plan on getting to it?" He challenged. I lifted my chin up at him.

     "Well, how ever much I hate the idea..." I stroked an imaginary beard on my chin. "I'll get the squids to help, even though I hate them, they don't know dat."

     "Yeah, good luck with that! Bring me a few blocks while you're at it." Night cackled. I smirked before jumping into the water and reaching out to the squids' language...

Normal Again

     "It turned out." I admitted, glancing at Ender, who had just arrived. "I don't like the sea. At all. He said I have some sort of phobia, Thala... Thalia... Tele-"

     "Thalassaphobia." Ender interrupted. "The fear of deep water, like oceans and sea." I nodded.

     "My greatest weakness now."

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