Chapter 11

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The Journey started off great when it rained.

Night had to keep to the trees of the forest, while Sherbert had made some raincoats, water repellent to the best of their abilities, considering how limited we were.

Fortunately for me, my jacket was already water repellent.

"Can we rest!?" I called out against the howling wind. We all kept to under a tree, while Night kept his distance from us, the soaking wet friends. Even though it was supposed to be cold, I felt warm. Almost feverish. But I couldn't let anyone know. I hate seeming weaker than others.

"Does anyone have any food?" Wildstar asked as dogs swarmed us. Oli came under the protective canopy, saturated and dripping wet.

"Yeah." He tossed her a pork chop before going back in the rain. He was on guard duty, just in case.

"Is there anything else? I'd like to have something." Melody politely piped up. Wildstar broke the food in fourths, handing Melody a piece. She handed one to Sherbert too before offering me one of the remaining pieces.

"Thanks." I took a nibble on the pork when I remembered something. All of my animal friends! Were they ok? I groaned. Night suddenly appeared next to us, pretty close to the water pouring from outside.

"You ok?" He asked quickly, kneeling next to me.

"What about Jeffery, and Luna?" I cried out. "A-and the others? Are they ok? I don't know where they are!" Night put a hand on my soaking wet jacket, clenching his teeth when it made contact.

"I'll find them, don't worry." Then he leaned over and hugged me, flinching at the droplets. I quickly backed out of the hug.

"Just be careful. The water..." I trailed off when I saw his blistering red hand. All just because of the water. I slipped out a cloth for emergencies and accidents or wounds and wrapped it around his hand.

"You should save that for yourself." He muttered while smiling softly. "Let me see them." I froze for a moment. Right. The scars. I unwillingly slipped my sleeves upwards, and Night gasped. "EnderShade..." He lightly ran his fingers over the red and purple skin, which was definitely not normal, because I had pale skin. My skin is usually the color of birch wood planks.

I quickly pulled my sleeves down before the others noticed. They were exchanging stories that they hadn't told each other yet, giving me and Night privacy.

"Just find them, but come straight back." I ordered sternly. To my surprise, he leaned over and pecked me on the cheek. With a kiss.

"Yes ma'am." His eyes gleamed playfully before he teleported with a poof. I turned to the others to find them staring at me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Where's your boyfriend going?" Wildstar piped up. I tipped my head.

"Boyfriend?" I questioned.

"Uh yeah, you know, like romantic interest, crush... Haha..." Melody stammered nervously. She was rescued when Oli crept back under our miserable shelter.

"I'll take the next watch." Sherbert hopped up.

I tried to protest when Melody said "Nope EnderShade, you need to rest while you can."

"There's plenty of resting to do when I'm dead." I growled, before sighing and lying down. I fell asleep right after my head gently hit the grassy ground.

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