Chapter 20

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     "I... I-" before I could reply, Joebuz shouted "Watch out!" We ducked as a few blocks sailed past us, smashing into the ground behind us and creating more havoc. I slowly stood up from my squat and faced the black overgrown lizard with a murderous glare.

     "MOBZILLA!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, making everyone- even Night- to take a quick step back. I was really ticked off, so I grabbed an enchanted bow and fired it like a trillion times, just spamming arrows at the beast. After a few minutes of this, it broke.

     "... Dang gurl." Cody finally said. Oli was trying hard to not smile while Wildstar and Melody were staring at me in awe.

     "... Ok... I guess we should have some of us fight with arrows, and some go in to distract it." Night finally spoke up.

     "Obviously, EnderShade is perfect for archery." Sherbert added. Oli finally grinned.

     "Oh, she fits that task all right." I threw a glare at him.

     "I'll do a frontal assault." Wildstar quickly piped up before I could snap a reply.

     "I'll help out EnderShade. Even though she's capable on her own." Cody threw me a wink before pulling out his own enchanted bow. "Hey Scott, wanna join us?"

     "Be glad to. Ryan will be ok with Joe." Scott responded. I finally cooled down and sighed.

     "Oli, I'd be honored if you'd fight alongside Melody and Sherbert. You're an excellent melee fighter." Oli finally threw his grin off with a curt nod,

     "Will do." He pulled out his Big Bertha, as did everyone else. I took a deep breath and threw one last glance at Night. I cared about him, and I would tell him how I feel later.

     "Then let's begin our assault." I finally answered. The melee people started climbing down the mountain two blocks at a time as Cody, Scott and I prepared our bows.

     "Did I even hit Him?" I asked Cody. He squinted at where Mobzilla was, who was getting closer.

     "... Yeah, a lot." He replied, stiffling a giggle. I let out a brief sigh, letting my mind briefly wander. It was like when I learned about what had happened to my father...

     Nonono, don't think about-

     Too late:

     Mother, when is Father coming back?" I stretched up on tiptoe to look through the window.

     "Soon sweetheart, soon." She frowned as she said those words. Was something wrong? I finally snuck a peek through the window, catching sight of a guard on horseback.

     "Father?" I asked out loud, acing to the the doorway.

     "Endershade!" She chased after me with my nickname as I threw the door open and ran to the knight, who had dismounted his horse with a grim expression plastereed across his face.

     "Wh-where's Father?" I asked him. His eyes were tinted with a shine in them as he looked above me at Mother.

     "No." She sobbed. "No!"

     "I'm so sorry." The man bowed his head, breathing heavily. "But he was killed by... well, you know who."

     "K-k-killed!?" I stammered, tears forming.

     "EnderShadeMCs, go inside, now!" Mother snapped. Sobbing, I ran back indoors, turning at the last second to see a golden sword given to Mother, who hugged it like a precious baby. Gritting my teeth, I slammed the door shut behind me.

     "Whoever." I snarled quietly. "Whoever killed him. Will pay."

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