9 - hacks

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◆letting go does mean giving up but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be.

chapter 9„

eunsoo p.o.v

the morning rays that were flashing through the window hit my face as i can feel the light. i open my eyes knowing its already morning. i open my mouth as i yawn.

"egh!" i wake up from the sofa and stretch my sore body. its quite a nice sleep but i miss my bed already. my eyes darted at the cosplayer guy. he still has a nice, peaceful sleep. i should be in that place right now. but thanks to you for making it easier for me to wake up.

thank you, huh? i smirked when i remember he said that. well, welcome.

school. nah!

today is the weekend! no school! no homework! not going to see all the lecture faces. isn't this what actually life means? i feel like flying in the air. five days of school got me bored ergh sorry, every day is boring.

happily, i make my way to the bathroom and took a warm shower.

why did i feel so much happy today? hope good things happen today!


i walk out of the bathroom. today i feel like wearing a plain shirt with short bottoms nah every day my fashion is all the same. a plain shirt and bottom and we are done.

should i make them breakfast?

oh, kim eunsoo, if you're not the one cooking who else? of course, i have to cook. honestly, i want to taste again that cosplayer guy's cooking. well, let's say its really delicious. where did he learn or is it already his talent?

i went to the kitchen lazily and start making breakfast. for the cosplayer guy, i make him porridge. chicken porridge.

for me and grandma i made toast and there's egg and oh look bacon is also there.

"what a nice smell my princess." someone laughed.

"oh, grandma!" i pulled a chair and asked grandma to sit. i served all the food on the table.

"how was the guy?" grandma asked about him with a curious tone. grandma sure is worried. you're not going to ask about me? ask if i had trouble sleeping or had a bad dream?

"aigoo, grandma„ he's fine. grandma hurry up and eat or not it will get cold." i said and you can hear a tone of jealousy there. oh, you cant hear me.

"have you eaten?" finally you worried about me. you might find it childish but i want attention from grandma. i'm a kid who needs love from par- i mean from grandma.

"ani. i want grandma to eat first." i  shook slightly and smile sadly. why did you ruin your mood today? 

"aigoo, aigoo my cutie princess." grandma ruffles my hair and starts to eat. "mm, delicious." she giggles with big eyes, and aw grandma looks so cute. i smiled sheepishly.

marry the prince → j.jungkook ◇editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora