Chapter 2 | What Zalas Decided

Start from the beginning

I had watched him burn. Both of them had burned until there was nothing left. He had been sacrificed for the crimes that his Father committed something that he had willingly given himself up for. It ticked all the boxes but still ... I felt like I was missing something. But how could I? I, the Dragon Prince, should know everything there was to know about my kind and what they could do. I had read all of the ancient scripts that my Father possessed, eager for knowledge about what I was.

I ran a hand through my hair breathed in deeply. A slight smile fell upon my lips as I heard Elika shuffle slightly outside my door.

"You can come back in if you wish." I spoke quietly but knew she would hear me.

The door opened silently and her heart shaped face peeped around the edge of it, her nose wrinkled with distaste.

"I am only trying to help you know." She said stonily.

"I know," I sighed. "Forgive me."

She wandered over to me and intertwined our hands. Her skin had more colour to it than mine, a pretty light flush, in comparison to my translucent white.
I pulled my hand away from hers and studied her face. "What do you think I should do?"

She harrumphed. "I love how you ask as though you would actually listen."

I grinned a rare grin. "Seriously though,"

Her expression turned thoughtful. "You know what I would do and you also know that it is what you need to do. You have to go after her Zalas. There is no other option."

"And what of my sister, what should I do about her?"

Elika shrugged her slim shoulders. "You can look for both of them at the same time can't you? It isn't like you know where either of them are anyway."

I paused for a moment and we stared at each other in silence.

"Did you feel it?" I asked suddenly.

"Feel what?"

"The disturbance, last week, did you feel it?"

She shook her head. "I didn't feel anything. Why, did you?"

"I thought I did," I muttered. "But now I don't know."

"You are more sensitive to those sorts of things though remember Zalas, I'm not as gifted as you."

I mulled her words over. "This is true."

She was getting impatient now. "So what are you going to do?"

"I think that you are right." I said slowly. "I need to go, but on one condition."

"What's that?" She asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"You have to come with me."

She grinned. "Did you miss me that much?"

I glared at her . "It's not like that."

"Sure it isn't," She said, her voice teasing. "You know I always knew you wanted me, but I didn't realise you wanted me that badly."

I scowled. "I changed my mind," I said standing up from my position on the window ledge. I towered over her; she was a tiny sprite of about five foot two with long white hair that fell to her hips. "I don't want you to come after all. You can stay here where it is boring."

Her grin didn't waver. "Lighten up sunshine, of course I'm coming with you, I missed you too you know."

I stared at her. "Good. Be ready by sundown, we leave tonight."

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