Julian and I stay up a little while longer, talking about random stuff, mainly about Bigfoot.

"Sorry if we weren't able to locate Bigfoot," he apologises. I'm not sure why. There was no reason for him to say sorry.

"It's not your fault, Julian. I guess Bigfoot just doesn't want to be found. He just enjoys toying with our minds. Aliens are exactly the same. It has been six years since you started searching for them and you never discovered one of them."

"Even if I haven't, it doesn't bother me much. Some people may have already been lucky to spot them and that's good enough evidence for me to know they are out there somewhere. I may not have spotted one yet, but I will eventually when the time is right. Maybe when I move to Eastern New Mexico I will get my chance then."

"I can imagine you approaching an extra-terrestrial. You would be completely speechless." I chuckle.

Julian laughs. "Yeah, well at least they won't be as scary as Bigfoot would be."

"So, have you and Bethany decided on what you're doing for your play?" I ask, changing the subject.

A smile crosses his face. "We have class on Friday so we will brainstorm ideas then. On Saturday we are going to write and rehearsal the script."

"Need any advice on how to talk to her?" I give him a wink.

"No, I'm fine, David. I won't stuff up his time."


I hear an owl hooting. I jump at the noise. Julian laughs at me. Not being able to sit out here with these owls, I know the best that I can do is just go inside the tent and get some rest before we leave in the morning. Julian puts out the fire and crawls into the tent as well.

* * * * *

I couldn't sleep. It wasn't because I had a stick lying directly under my lower back, stopping me getting any sleep at all. Even when I do move it, I still find lying on the ground uncomfortable. Outside the tent I can hear owls hooting, crickets chirping and frogs croaking. I sit up and look over at my sister and Julian. I wonder how they could sleep with all of this noise.

I hear a stick snap nearby, making me jump. It's probably just raccoons, wandering around the campground in search of food. I grab a flashlight that is lying beside me. I should go ahead and check to see if it really was raccoons. Maybe it's a bear wandering around for food. Not really sure if bears would come anywhere near the tents. I have never heard of reports where they attack campgrounds.

I climbed out of the tent. Shining the light, I glance around the campsite. I don't see anything and all of the sudden it becomes quiet. Maybe I imagined the whole noise. There doesn't seem to be any signs of any wild animal wandering around or wanting to attack us. I walk around, double checking to make sure I'm not completely losing my mind.

"Hello?" I call out.

No one answers me. When I see that there is nothing out there, I head back to the tent. I should really get some sleep. I'm so tired that my mind is starting to play tricks on me.

An owl hoots. Terrified, I started running back to the tent. Not looking where I was going, I trip over something. It's probably a tree root or a rock. I hit the ground hard, my knees hitting the dirt first before I put my hands out to stop from messing up my face. Pain shot up through my knees. I didn't have time to examine my injuries. I hear footsteps from behind me. I get to my feet, but I can't run. A picnic table is near me and I quickly crawled over to it and hid underneath, hoping there wouldn't be any spiders underneath there.

The Boys Who Cried Sasquatch Where stories live. Discover now