Seventy Nine // Rehearsal

Beginne am Anfang

Looking away from the mirror, I turned towards Caitlin and Julie. They were both staring at the mirror and from their facial expressions, I could tell that they didn't really like their outfits. We were all in crop tops that seemed more like a bikini top than anything else.

Hearing Ben sigh, I turned to look at him. "This isn't right. This... look." He said.

"It's not Jay Cee El. We don't wear clothes that show off our skin. We want to look like we respect ourselves, not like whores." I said, walking over to where Ben was standing.

"I know, I know." Ben said. "I'm going to have to talk to Nathan and George. They had ordered the clothes. Keep looking for something that shows off you personality, I'm going to go call Nathan and George." Ben said before walking out of the room.

I walked over to where the clothes were hung up, looking through them. Most of the clothes were similar to the crop tops we were already wearing. I really did not like the style that both Nathan and George thought we would have. So many girls get branded as sluts for wearing this sort of stuff and I did not want to deal with that. Plus, I shouldn't have to. Jay Cee El needs to look the part and this is not the way to do it.

"Lizzie, look at this." Caitlin said, holding up a shirt. I looked up and smiled when I saw the shirt. It was a teal shirt that tied together in the front, but was easily long enough to cover my stomach. I walked over to her, taking the shirt from her hands.

"This is cute, I'm gonna try it on."


"Okay, this is so much better. This looks like Jay Cee El." Ben said, clapping his hands together.

I was standing in between the girls, slowly spinning around so Ben could see my outfit. I was wearing the shirt that Caitlin showed me, matched with a pair of black shorts. Caitlin had pieced together a floral mid drift that barely showed her stomach, and then white denim shorts. While she went for the more girly style that she typically had, Julie had the edgy look. Her favorite color was black and she was living up to it. We all had very different looks, but I liked that we were different.

"This is so much better. And we can still wear crop tops but I don't want us all to look like sluts." Caitlin said.

"Yeah, and you were right. I honestly should've seen it coming. But Nathan and George are fine with it, luckily. Is it wrong that I really don't like them?" Ben said.

"No," I laughed, "We really don't like them either. But Dylan seems nice, really nice actually. I like him a lot."

"Same. I was worried that he was going to be some power hungry manager, but he's great." Julie said.

"Alright, so you girls can change and then head out. The concert is the day after tomorrow, so we have one final rehearsal tomorrow as well as wardrobe. I'll see you three lovely ladies later. I've got a hot date." Ben said.

"Dinner with your mom?" Julie asked.

Ben looked over at her and crossed his arms. "I happen to be having dinner with Gale and my mother, thank you very much."


"Hey, thank you so much for picking me up. You saved me from an awkward taxi ride." I said, throwing my backpack onto the floor by the passenger seat. I climbed into the car and closed the door, cutting the cold air from coming into the car. I turned to look at Niall, who was smiling at me.

"You don't have to thank me, Liz. You can, however, kiss me hello." He said. I couldn't help but blush. It's only been three days since we got together and I'm still adjusting to the fact that we were together. I've dreamed of dating him since two thousand twelve and now that we were, it was hard to wrap my mind around it. But knowing that I'm getting to know the real Niall, behind the lights and cameras, makes everything so much better.

I leaned across the console and kissed him, butterflies filling my stomach like they always do. I pulled away after a few seconds, blushing wildly as I sat back down in my seat. Niall laughed before locking the doors and starting to the car. "How was rehearsal? I still can't believe that you're opening for us. Definitely going to be a lot of fun." He said.

"I know, I'm excited. It's weird though. Like, just a few months ago I was back home, working at the stupid bait shop, and getting ready for college. Which, I still have to worry about. But to answer your question, rehearsals were fine. A bit boring, if I'm being honest. But it was nice to hang around Ben again." I said, laughing a bit as I realized that I took forever to answer his question.

But Niall only laughed, "At least you saw him again. I'd be jealous if I didn't know he had a boyfriend. Did you say that you still have to worry about college?" He asked.

"Yeah," I nodded and sighed, "My mom's making me get my associates degree, at least. I've already applied to the schools, did that last fall, so I should be hearing back from the schools son. I thought that maybe since the girls and I won, she wouldn't make me. But she is, otherwise I'm 'grounded'." I told him.

"What are you going to study?" Niall asked.

"Business. I want to major in business and minor in a music field. So in case Jay Cee El doesn't work, I'll be able to still work with music. Be the next Simon Cowell." I laughed, looking out the window. Having this conversation with Niall was so easy. I had thought that having day to day conversations with him would be hard, being that I get so nervous around him. But no, it was easy and I really liked that.

We were almost to the building that I lived in. The O2 Arena was only about twenty minutes from my apartment and being that there was not a lot of traffic today, it wasn't taking too long. "Since you came to pick me up, wanna have dinner? We can order Chinese?" I asked, slightly nervous. I was always worried he wouldn't want to do anything with me.

"Yeah," Niall replied, ceasing my worries. "And that sounds cool. School girl by day, pop star by night. Me girl all around."

"You never miss a beat, do you?" I laughed, turning to look at him.

"Nope, why would I when I get to see you blush all the time?" Niall said, not asking. Against my will, my cheeks started heating up. I really hated that I blushed so much. I just couldn't help it around him. I covered my cheeks out of habit and Niall laughed. "See?"


There's the chapter. I hope you liked it.

I got my braces off and my mouth hurts so bad. I hate my retainers so much omg

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms ilysssssm

~ Amanda xx

--Pic above is of Liz from the beginning of the chapter. She's honestly so pretty


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