Seventy Eight // All Coming Together

Start from the beginning

"But... what about staying here and working on an album?" Caitlin asked.

"You'll be doing that on the road. Providing you girls agree to this, which is under contract by the way, the writing team that has already begun working for you girls, will join you. I honestly think that this is the best choice for you girls, as well as you lads. Jay Cee El is top priority for many magazines and television shows, it could benefit you boys as well." Simon said.

I looked over at Liz, watching as she looked back at me. Her facial expression showed me that she was wearing, but there was nothing that I could do. We were under contract and it's not like we could say no. Joining a worldwide famous boy band on their world tour? Who wouldn't say yes?


The following month in London was packed with work. Being that Simon had told us that he would like an album out by the end of the year, it was like we were thrown into the studio. We had met with our music producer Drake, who oversees the work we put into the album and gives tips on how to create a sound that we like- which was a problem by itself. We also met with the four writers that Simon had hired. They were all really nice and were very talented with what they wrote.

Unfortunately for all of us, the girls and I couldn't seem to agree on the sound that we wanted to produce. Caitlin wanted to sing the mainstream pop that practically makes my ears bleed, Liz likes the unexpected punk rock sound, I really hadn't expected that from her. I liked alternative sound, though I could get into the punk rock sound, depending on how the song sounds and what message we are sending out.

As of right now, we were all sitting in the studio, bored out of our minds. We were trying to create some sort of sound, but Caitlin was being difficult. We've recorded demos of different genres of songs and nothing seemed right. It was so much harder than I originally thought it would be.

I let out a sigh as I crumbled up the piece of yellow paper, tossing it in the overgrowing pile of trash. At that exact moment, Liz jumped up from her seat. "I've got it. I've got tons of songs written in here. How could I have been so stupid? Maybe we could look through it and figure something out." Liz said.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to where she was sitting on the floor. Taking a seat next to her, one of our writers spoke up. "That's a good idea. What type of sound did you have in mind?" Charlie asked.

"Well they are kind of in between a punk rock sound with an influence of pop. Can you give me the guitar, Nicole?" Liz asked. The brunette handed Liz the brown guitar and Liz held it in her lap, flipping through until she found the right page. I looked down at the page full of her writing.

"Okay, I only have the chorus for this." Liz said before starting to play the song. "Say, what you wanna say. And let the words fall out. Honestly, I wanna see you be brave, with what you want to say, and let the words fall out. Honestly, I wanna see you be brave." She sang. She stopped playing and looked up at everyone else. "It's nothing speci-"

"You can be amazing." Caitlin cut her off, speaking slowly. "You can turn a... a phrase into a weapon or a, a drug. You can be the... the outcast or be the... backlash of somebody's lack of love.... or you can start speaking up."

"That sounds good. Hold on." I said, getting an idea. I stood up and walked towards the keyboard, standing behind it. "Okay, sing that again Cait. Follow the tune I'm going to play." I said, setting my fingers on the right sings.

I looked over at Caitlin and nodded before I started to play the simple notes that I had in mind. Caitlin was quick to follow my lead. "You can be amazing, you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug. You can be there outcast or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love. Or you can start speaking up."

"Nothing's gonna hurt you, the way that words do." Nicole chimed in, singing in same melody that Caitlin was. I smiled widely and kept playing the tunes, all while Liz started to play the guitar. "When they settle 'neath your skin. Kept on the inside and no sunlight, sometimes a shadow wins. Bu I wonder what would happen if you..."

"Say what you wanna say," Liz sang, going back into the chorus. Our other music writer, Tyler, started playing the drums, going along with the tunes of the keyboard and the guitar. "And let the words fall out. Honestly, I wanna see you be brave, with what you want to say, and let the words fall out. Honestly, I wanna see you be brave." She sang.

All musical instruments cut after that and cheers filled the room. I started laughing and cheering with the rest of them. Even though we were only in the beginning stages of the song, it seemed like it was all coming together.


Okay there's the chapter. Shorter than usual but the next ones should be longer

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms lyssm

~ Amanda xx

--Pic above is of Julie

DISCLAIMER: I do not own, nor did I write, the song Brave by Sara Bareilles. The song is hers and I do not have any claim to it. All credit goes to her for the song, and whoever else helped write and produce the song. I am simply barrowing it for the sake of the book.

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