14. The New Boss

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They drove on in silence until Jen had to stop at a station for gas. She pumped up while Tabbris waited in the truck. She returned, slamming the door behind her and letting out a sigh.

"Where are we going?" Tabbris asked as she pulled back onto the road.

"Screw it," she mumbled. "Metatron, you annoying ass. I'm taking you to Metatron. You're going to Heaven, damn it."

"What?" Tabbris balked.

"Please, just shut up," Jen sighed. "I'm telling you this because I owe you, but if he found out he'd be pissed. So, please, just shut up."

Tabbris nodded and they spoke only minutely for the rest of the trip.


A day later, they arrived at a deserted beach off the coast of Louisiana. It was already dark. Jen parked the truck right up near the sand and they stepped out. The beach was isolated and surrounded by swampy marshland and trees. The only way to reach it was by a small dirt road carved through the brush. The beach itself was rocky and the sand had scattered clumps of seaweed strewn over it. No white sand beaches here. The only other people on the beach weren't even people. They were angels. Two of them. And they seemed to be guarding something.

Jen walked up to them. 'They' consisted of a man and a woman in swim suits to try and appear incognito. However, at night it appeared more suspicious than anything and the isolation of the beach made it seem pointless.

"I have found Tabbris," Jen told them as Tabbris walked up beside her. "Let me in."

They nodded to her and the woman began to draw symbols in the sand. When the drawing was completed, she stepped back and the symbol began glowing white. It illuminated and a smoky mist rose up from it. Tabbris looked at it uncertainly. Jen stepped on it and motioned for Tabbris to follow. When he did, he was enveloped in mist that swirled lazily around him. There was a blinding flash and then Tabbris found himself in an elevator. He looked around confused as the elevator doors opened to reveal a busy office.

Angels bustled around it: carrying papers, writing, and looking at maps that had been pinned up. Some sat at desks, some stood around desks, it seemed rather efficient. Jen lead him past the rows of wooden desks and curious stares from angels through a pair of large doors and into what looked like a study.

To the right, in front of a large bay window, was a grand, dark-stained desk that looked antique. In the center of the desk sat an old typewriter with worn down keys. The walls to the sides of the desk were made up entirely of bookshelves stock full of books. There were two brown arm chairs in front of the desk. Jen motioned for him to take a seat. He sat and she did likewise. Metatron was not there.

"Where is he?" Tabbris asked her.

She glanced around nervously. It was obvious she was uncomfortable here.

"He'll be coming," she replied.

Tabbris nodded leaning back in the chair. He was still healing from his last flight, but he was considerably better than he was yesterday.

"Why did he send you, Jen?" Tabbris asked suddenly. "Out of all the angels, why you?"

"You let me go once. He figured you wouldn't vaporize me on sight," she said, smiling just a little.

"I would have if I could have."

She shook her head at him. "Thanks, glad to here that."

Tabbris looked back at the desk to see Metatron had appeared in the chair behind it. He looked the same as when Tabbris had last seen him. Pudgy and scruffy. Tabbris scowled bitterly just thinking about it.

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