2. Saving Private Cas

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The hole hurtled them through a distance utterly unmeasureable. Tabbris didn't know how far they'd gone or where they were specifically, but in what seemed like seconds they were crashing into the hard dirt of a forest floor. Tabbris skidded across the dirt on his shoulder and collided into a large tree. He grunted and sprung up immediately. He scanned around quickly to see there was no eminent threat and then assessed the seven other angels. Seven. He shot Ion, who was just rising off the floor, an inquiring glance. Ion looked back and shook his head. Someone hadn't made it. Tabbris neither knew nor cared who. 

The angels assembled into a small circle quickly enough. They looked at Tabbris expectantly. This was his mission, and he gave the orders. 

"The mission is simple," Tabbris told them. "Find Castiel and bring him back." 

The angels nodded in agreement. 

"Anything that gets in your way is to be terminated. These creatures are abominations and will not provide assistance," Tabbris stated firmly. "Split up and canvass the whole place if that's what it takes. When you find him send out a call. Are we clear?" 

They nodded once again. 

"Watch your backs." 

With that the angels were gone. All but one. Ion remained. 

"What is it, Ion?" Tabbris asked, walking away to search for himself. 

Ion walked up beside him, looking quite small compared to Tabbris. His vessel was an average sized, young doctor wannabe who had light sandy hair and a face that was far to serious for someone so young. 

"How do you plan on returning, brother?" he asked. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration and thought. 

"I know a way. Reapers aren't the only ones with shortcuts," he replied nonchalantly. 

"How can you be sure?" 

A puzzled expression flitted across Tabbris's face and was gone. "I just know." 

Ion nodded. "Okay. I'm with you brother. I always will be." 

Tabbris nodded back and Ion disappeared.  When he was gone Tabbris went into high alert. He pulled out his angel blade and held it firmly in his hand. He walked the uneven ground with ease and passed many tall, wide trees. Trees so tall they blotted out any light that may have came from above. It was a dark place, a hopeless place, with dark hopeless creatures for inhabitants. Tabbris had no recollection of ever being to Purgatory before, however, it felt familiar. And he did know an exit. 

Tabbris heard scuffling coming from the left of the worn down path he was on. It was overrun by brush and brambles and was too dark to see very far into. He sensed something there. He turned to it and stood easy waiting for it to show its face. The brush shook and rustling sounds could be heard as two people walked casually out of the bushes. They looked mean and dirty and carried large, makeshift weapons that seemed to have been carved from bone. 

"Look what we have here," the bigger of the two said with a snarl. "Dinner." 

Tabbris held up his blade in preparation. They eyed it and began to move apart to take him on from two different directions. Tabbris wasn't concerned. They paused at what they must have deemed appropriate spots and the bigger one led the attack. He lunged at Tabbris who turned easily and ran him through with his blade. The smaller one was only a pace behind and wrapped his arms around Tabbris's neck. Tabbris ripped his blade out of the dead man just as the other's teeth came down. Tabbris reversed the blade's direction and rammed it behind him and into the other vampire. They were only vampires. The small one fell down next to his buddy and Tabbris walked away unimpressed. 

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