12. Here I Go Again On My Own

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One Month Later...

Tabbris sat easily in a plush chair in a large, expensive office. He was facing a sleek, black desk with a large rotating chair behind it. Beyond the desk was a wall made up completely of windows, through which you could see for miles. The benefits of being on the tenth floor in a smaller city. The walls were all white and the floor was shiny hardwood. In the center of the room, to Tabbris's left, was a big rectangular rug with intricate designs that looked handmade. Beside that was a pair of grand oak doors. In front of which stood two silent men in pristine black suits. They stood motionlessly, unspeaking, with their hands folded in front of them. They were guards. 

Tabbris wasn't concerned. In fact the only thing Tabbris was, was annoyed. He had kept him waiting, and Tabbris hated to wait.


It had been weeks since Tabbris had ditched Castiel. He had discovered that Castiel really did not know anything about getting back to Heaven. All he knew was the spell's ingredients. Since he was clueless, he was useless to Tabbris and Tabbris had left him, alone and unprotected. Castiel hadn't been sad to see him go. He had poked and prodded at Castiel's memories of Metatron until Cas had almost screamed. It all amounted to nothing. If someone wanted to kill Castiel now, Tabbris wouldn't stop them, hell, he'd give them a blade. Castiel was worth even less than a normal human.

Jen had stayed with a little longer. She was supposed to lead him to Bartholomew, but it turned out he was already all over angel radio, and he was calling angels to him. Since Jen had outlived her purpose Tabbris no longer felt the need to drag her around. However, he did not kill her. In a rare act of mercy, he let her go. He hadn't seen her since.

So Tabbris had set out to find Bartholomew on his own. He knew where to go, but things took longer without his wings. He hitchhiked half the way and the other half was just a lot of walking. Finally, however, he did find the place. And when he did he was met immediately by two angels in dark suits. He had been disarmed and placed in a room to wait for Bartholomew himself.


Tabbris heard the door open and he looked over his shoulder as a man walked in. He looked to be in his thirties with light brown hair and a serious demeanor. He also wore a dark suit. He looked over at Tabbris and took a seat at the desk.

He let out a breath and said, "Tabbris, long time no see."

"Bartholomew," Tabbris acknowledged.

"Yes," he smirked. Then he paused and said, "I was expecting you much sooner. Don't mind me asking, but what took you so long?"

"I found Castiel."

Bartholomew straightened. "Where?" he asked.

"He does not know how to return us to Heaven," Tabbris said dismissively.

"You didn't kill him, did you Tabbris?" Bartholomew asked, his voice raising a bit in anger.

Tabbris's eyes narrowed. "No."

Bartholomew relaxed and said, "Good. Now, with Naomi gone I have taken control of this little operation. We're working on locating Metatron and Castiel. I expect you'll be joining me? You would make a valuable addition."

"If that were so, then why didn't you contact me when you had a reaper watching me?" Tabbris asked, suspicious.

"Ah, that," Bartholomew said with a slight frown. "I had to make sure you were not assisting Metatron first. But the reaper never seemed to get back to me. I assume she's dead."

Tabbris thought Bartholomew was lying. But he only said, "No."

"Really?" Bartholomew asked surprised. "Tabbris are you getting soft?"

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