8. Trust Is a Delicate Thing

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Tabbris shoved Jen in the backseat of the Winchester's black Chevy Impala and followed her in. She was compliant for the most part. Dean and sort of Sam got in the front seat. 

"Now don't go trying anything," Dean said to Tabbris. "I'm letting you come with because I've got some questions for you. I'm going out on a limb here."

"Don't worry, Dean," Tabbris told him. "I have nothing to gain by killing you."

"Well, that's comforting," Dean retorted. "So who's the girl?"

"A reaper," he replied looking back at Jen. 

"Reaper? Why?"

"Following me, I don't know why."

"Do you know anything?" Dean asked him raising an eyebrow.

Jen smirked, she seemed to enjoy the confusion she'd caused. 

"What gave it away?" she asked Tabbris.

"No human would stay with me through all that. It was too much for a sane person to endure. Then there's the fact that I'm an angel. I knew you were a reaper immediately."

"Right, well they did tell me not to get too close," she shrugged. "I just couldn't resist."

"Who are they?" Tabbris asked.

She just smiled at him. 

"You'll have time for interrogations later," Dean called over his shoulder. 

"Right," Tabbris replied, shifting his attention away from Jen. "Where's Castiel?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Dean told him. 

Tabbris looked up at them to see Sam, or Ezekiel, or both, had fallen asleep.

"Your brother?" Tabbris inquired.

"He'll pull through," Dean said. "He always does."

"And where are we going?" 

"Somewhere safe," Dean replied.

Then the car was silent until Sam woke up again hours later. 


"Where are we?" the real Sam asked sitting up quickly.

"Whoa. Sam?" Dean asked.

"What?" Sam asked puzzled.

"Okay, take it easy," Dean said. "How you, uh...how you feeling?"

"Tired...like I slept for a week," Same said groggily.

"Try a day. You've been out since the sky was spittin' angels."

"What the hell happened?" he asked.

"What do you remember?" Dean countered.

"The church, feeling like crap, the angels falling, and that's it," he replied. Then he spotted Tabbris and Jen in the backseat, "What the hell?"

"Oh yeah," Dean frowned. "That's Tabbris. A helpful angel," Dean said sarcastically. "And the other one's a reaper. Yeah, she was apparently spying on our friend here."

"I need to find Castiel," Tabbris told Sam.

"That's basically all he says," Dean said to Sam. "Anyway, we've got bigger problems. For one, Cas is lost somewhere, and he's human."

"What?" Sam asked.

"Well, ish," Dean continued. "I mean, he's got no grace, no wings, no...harp, whatever the hell else he had."

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