Chapter eighteen - bonding in bed

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I woke up, a bit dizzy. I started to look around, only to realize that I'm already in a bed. 'Good,' I thought. I finally get to sleep on a bed.

I lied back down, trying to relax but when I tried getting up again, something pulled my hands back. I realized that they were both tied up. I raised both of my eyebrows out of curiosity. I look to my right side and seen a shirtless, sleeping Jarred.

His tattoos are incredibly visible since there are loads of them. His abs. I must admit, he looks hot.

Then I look down and realized that I'm only in my bra and undies. Who took off my clothes? My eyes widened, "Shit!" I shouted, loud enough to wake him up.

He slowly opened his eyes and groaned. "What?" He asked in his raspy morning voice. He started to look around as well. But when he saw me, his eyes widened.

He immediately tried getting up but he couldn't because he was tied up as well. "Who did this?" I asked him and he looked at me with worry. He nodded 'no'. "I swear I don't know. I-I don't even know how I ended up sleeping beside you." He tried to explain and I laughed bitterly.

Oh so, he's trying to excuse himself?

"Do you even remember what you did last night? You came in to me, drunk?" I told them and he raised an eyebrow. "Was I really that drunk?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

He giggled and I swear, I wish I could punch him right now. He's an idiot. Really. "Oh shut up you-"

The door slammed open and Barry came in with his arms wrapped around Maureen. Jarred's smile slowly faded.

"I guess Barry and I aren't the only couple here." Maureen said, smirking and Barry giggled. Jarred and I stared at each other, speechless.

"How could you do this to me, Barry?" Jarred said and his tone was filled with authority. "Because I knew that you loved her and..." he walked nearer. "You'll do anything to set her free." He smirked and Jarred look down.

I look at him, shocked. He wanted to free me? When I looked at him, he continued to look down. He swallowed some saliva, "I'm sorry." He whispered. I wanted to tell him that there's nothing to be sorry about.

"The two of you will lie down there for the next two days." Barry said which made Jarred go off. He tried to get out but the handcuffs in his hands prevented him from doing so.

His face was boiling hot. "How could you?" He raised his voice towards his brother and Barry laughed, evily. Then he and Maureen left the room together, with arms wrapped unto each other and laughing.

Jarred continued to scream at them. "You're evil, Barry! Fuck you!" He continued to yell and I could see the tears slowly forming in his eyes. Of course, who wouldn't cry when your sibling betrays you?

I wanted to help him. But how? He tried with all his might to take off the handcuffs. He screamed during the process. I just lied down there, helpless. Although, feel pity over him, I just don't know how to help him.

A few minutes later, he finally gave up. He rested and looked up to the ceiling. He panted as he stares at the blank wall above us. I look at him, still filled with pity.

A few seconds later, he let out a huge scream, making me turn away from him due to his incredibly loud voice. Then he started crying.

"Jarred!" I called him but he won't listen. He continued to scream. "Jarred, please!" I raised my voice this time. But still, he won't listen. "Jarred!!" I raised my voice even more. Finally, he stopped.

His face was now sweaty. "There's nothing you can do but wait." I said. I must say, that that was probably one of the worst advices I've given.

He calmed down. "You're right." He said as he starts to breathe normally. He stared again at the ceiling then to me. Then he look down to my hands which are now filled with scars.

Then he look up to me. "I'm sorry." He said and I smiled faintly. "There's nothing to be sorry about, Jarred." I said and he nodded.

One thing that caught my eye was his huge ship tattoo on his left shoulder. It was somehow hypnotizing that's why, I couldn't stop staring at it. I couldn't help myself but ask him about it. "The ship." I said and he looked at me, weirdly. "What does it mean?" I asked him.

"My ship tattoo?" He asked, looking down to his tattoo, and I nodded 'yes'. He sighed before speaking. "Like a ship, which can sail you to other parts of the world. That's what I want. If...if I'm in pain, I just want to be sailed away. A land where I can be free." He said, sighing.

Deep bruh. Way too deep.

"When did you have it?" I asked again and he smiled. "Seventeen." He said and I nodded. Way too young for a guy to have a tattoo. No offense though. "My mom had this tattoo, too." He said.

I quite smiled when he brought up his mom to this topic.

"But the thing is, hers was quite smaller." He continued, chuckling on what he said. "Where's your mom, though?" I asked. It took him quite a while to answer and that was when I started to reflect on whether my question was way a bit too personal.

"Oh right your parents are dead. I'm sorry if-"

"No it's fine. They're not dead by the way." He interrupted me and I was shocked.

He sighed, "My mom's in jail." He said and I felt pity for him. He was raised with violence around him. Still, he continued to be nice to the people around him. "Did you love her?" I asked him.

"Yeah. She told me before she went to jail that," he paused. "I should never be like her. But I feel like...I failed her." He said. Based on his tone, it's like he's about to cry. "What about your dad?" I asked him.

He sighed again, "Deported back to Cuba." He said and I nodded.

"I'm sorry." I said, softly. He looked at me but I didn't. Too guilty to look at him. "You don't have to say sorry. It wasn't your fault though." He said and I somehow managed to touch one of his hands and he smiled at the sight of it.

"What about your parents?" He asked. I smiled at the thought of them and he nodded. "My dad's Irish," I said and he laughed. I looked at him weirdly, "What's funny about that?" I asked.

"My mom's Irish." He winked and I smiled. "Continue." He said. "My mom's from New York." I said, smiling. "They moved here because...they thought South Lake Tahoe is a safe community." I said and he nodded.

"How many times do I have to tell you? There's nothing to be sorry about." I said. "What?" He asked and I laughed. "What's so funny?" He asked. "Your cute little voice." I said and he laughed as well.

"How many boyfriends did you have?" He asked.

"One." I answered and he nodded. "Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. How many girlfriends did you have?" I asked. "Umm...this is going to be embarrassing but, I never had one." He answered and to be honest, I was shocked.

For a guy like him, no one would expect to hear that. All the time, I thought he already had hundredths.

"Shocked?" He asked with a laugh. "A little." I said and he chuckled. "Now I actually kind of enjoy being trapped in this, kind of bed with you." He said, smiling and to be honest, I feel the butterflies in my stomach move.

"Thanks for the talk, Jarred." I said. "No thank you to you." He said, smiling.

There's your update!! Hope you like it. Thought I'd make it a bit longer. ;)

Message me if you spotted a mistake. ;)

Stockholm Syndrome (On-hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora