Chapter four - you have a choice

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It's been almost a week since I was kidnapped. I spent most nights without blanket, pillows or a bed. Plus, it's cold. I don't know whether my family are looking for me. Gosh, I want to go home so bad.

"Hey." I felt a slap on my cheek. I woke up and seen Barry. He smirked and then gave me a kiss, again.


"Do you really have to do that?" I asked him, disgusted of his actions. "Of course! I could even do this." Then he started touching my hip until he touched my bum. "Hey!" I yelled and he laughed.

"What the heck are you doing?" Jarred came in and relief took over me. I somehow felt safe when Jarred comes in. "What do you think, brother?" He asked Jarred and Jarred furrowed his eyebrows. Jarred looked at me then back to his brother.

"You molested her?" He asked me. Barry evily laughed, "Got that right!" He said, in a tone that shows that he's proud of what he's done to me. "Out." Jarred said with authority in his tone. "Excuse me?" Barry asked, shocked of his brother's tone.

"Out!" Jarred raised his voice and Barry reluctantly went out. He tapped Jarred's shoulder before walking away. Now it's just Jarred and I.

"Sorry you have to see that." He said. "It's fine. I knew he was gonna do that to me anyways." I said. Then he sat down on a chair which was beside me. "I'm scared that he might want me to do things more than that." He said as he relaxes his arms on his neck.

I looked at him, confused. He seems to be not satisfied with what he and Barry are doing.

"Are you somewhat related?" I asked him. "We're siblings." He said and I nodded.

"You do this for a living?" I asked him and he looked at me. "Yeah. This is my first time, though." He replied and my eyes widened. "What do you mean it's your first time?" I asked him.

"I didn't want this. But I don't have a choice." He said, getting up. "Everyone has a choice, Jarred." I said making him stop walking. He turn around and looked at me. Then he raised an eyebrow, "Not everyone." He looked at me in the eye before walking away.

Here I am again. Alone in an incredibly lonely place. I wonder how my family is right now. Are they looking for me? What about my friends? Frank, Maureen, Louis and Joanne.

"Sarah darling. Come on." I spotted Barry walking towards me carrying a belt. My eyes widened and I started to breathe heavily. "Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"Don't ask any questions." He told me. Then he started to unlock my handcuffs. He grabbed my hand and I somehow managed to get up without losing my balance. When we out of the room, I was relieved when I saw a light again.

While locking the door, I managed to let go of his grip. I quickly ran and Barry came running after me. Although I'm quite weak already for not eating the right kind of food for the past few days.

As I continued to run, I realized that it was already ahead of me, was already a dead end. I stopped and tried figuring out where to go out. I look back and saw that Barry was already getting close. "Help me!" I tried yelling. "Please!" I shouted.

Then I felt hands touch me. I turn around and seen Barry. He kissed me before forcing me to face the wall. Then he started hitting my back with the belt.

"Mommy!" I yelled with pain. I kept crying and crying. I wanted to give up, but I can't let him loose. "Enough please." I pleaded but he continued anyways.

The sting of the belt is just so painful. Who wouldn't scream?

A few minutes passed, my eyesight started to become blurry and my eyes are already tired of crying. "Enough please." I said softly, still in pain but he continued.

"Hey!" I heard a male voice and Barry let go of me. Then I fell to the ground and I hit my head. The last thing I saw was two men punching each other.

Again, I lost consciousness.

"Sarah?" I heard a male voice. I opened my eyes and realized that I'm in a sofa, lying down. I look up to see Jarred standing on top of me, shirtless. Man, he has loads of tattoo.

I looked at him, up and down before looking around and I couldn't help but ask. "Where am I?" I asked him. "You're still in the same building." He answered and I nodded.

Then silence.

"Are you okay?" He asked, touching my cheek, wiping off my tears. "I'm fine." I answered and he looked at me with pity. Then he grabbed a bowl with water and a small towel.

"Turn around please." He told me and I nodded as I followed his command. He opened my shirt. Then he dipped the towel to the water and started wiping it across my back. "Ouch." I said.

"Sorry did I hurt you?" He asked. "No I'm fine." I answered and he nodded as he continued his job.

"In behalf of my brother, I'm sorry for what happened." He said and then he sighed. Should I forgive Barry? "I personally don't know, Jarred." I answered and tears started forming in my eyes. He remained quiet.

"What he did was too much." This time, I'm already crying. I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry, Sarah." He said.

He's different. Supposedly, kidnappers are usually bad but Jarred's different.

Ahh, there's your update! Basically, it's incredibly noisy right now at my house because my cousin's on a rampage. REALLY. My mom's gonna fetch me in a few minutes because we're gonna go to this incredibly far place. :/

Anyways, hope you'll continued. Sorry for some typos and grammatical mistakes. If you spotted some, please notify me. :)

Stockholm Syndrome (On-hold)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें