Chapter seventeen - real kiss and reunion

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I crouched on my leg and I didn't even bothered to talk. The room's now filled with darkness since it was already nighttime. Looking up to the ceiling, I caught sight of a cockroach.

I rolled my eyes until I heard my stomach growl. I look down and spoke to my stomach as if it could talk. "I know." I whispered. The thing is, I haven't eaten for days. Jarred didn't even bother to and I don't expect him to.

I decided to play with the small rocks that were on the floor. At least, it will somehow cheer me up. Unfortunately, it didn't.

I then decided to go to sleep instead. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a lot better.

I was about to go to sleep when I heard the door open again. I didn't bother who it was and instead, kept my eyes closed. I heard the door close. Then I heard footsteps walking towards me. A few minutes later, I could feel a presence in front of me.

I didn't open my eyes until the person kissed me on my cheek. I opened my eyes and wiped away the saliva that was left on my cheek. After wiping it, I look to the person and realized it was Jarred.

"What the hell?!" I yelled and bursted into laughter. He continued to laugh and I frowned at him. How dare he to come near me after all he did to me? I slapped him and he immediately stopped laughing.

"Are you drunk?" I asked and he looked at me and then licked his lip. He is drunk! I rolled my eyes and slapped him one more time.

He chuckled, making me irritated even more. "Shut the fuck up, Jarred." I said and he laughed again. How many bottles did he drink? This is probably the first time I've seen him like this. Although I still hate him and I still haven't forgiven him for what he did, it somehow saddened me to see him like this.

"Didn't see that coming." He said, in a verge of laughing. "Didn't see what coming?" I asked but he continued laughing. He seemed to ignore me and this time, I wanted to burst already.

I pinched him on his right arm and he groaned with pain. "Ouch!" He yelled with pain and I smiled. "What was that for?" He asked. Oh, so you even bothered to ask me?

"First, for being a dick. Second, for coming here. Third and most of all, for being drunk." I said and he laughed again.

I slapped my face, "Ugh! Would you shut up?" I told him but he didn't stopped laughing. He continued to laugh on whatever he found funny. Stupid, I know.

"You're not suppose to be here, Jarred." I said to him and he finally stopped laughing. His reddish eyes looked at me with all seriousness. He looked down and slowly moved his hand towards mine.

I moved my hand away so he wouldn't be able to touch it. "Excuse me?!" I raised my voice and he frowned. He looked down again, "I'm sorry, Sarah." He said and I rolled my eyes.

Fuck you.

I don't need you in my life.

Oh how badly I wanted to say those words.

I laughed bitterly and slapped him one more time. He touched the spot where I slapped him before looking at me in the eye. "Oh so now you care?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I do." He said and I rolled my eyes again. He leaned closer, almost as if trying to kiss me. Indeed, he did. He French-kissed me and I tried letting go.

With all my might, I tried letting go of him despite the fact of having weak arms. "Jarred, stop!" I yelled but he continued.

"Let go of me!" I yelled again and this time, he started kissing my stomach. One word to describe it. EWW.

Disgusted and couldn't stand him anymore, I pulled him out by his air and he lost his balance. He looked at me, confused. I expected him to go already but instead, he went nearer to me.

He kissed me again and for some reason and this time, I didn't bother to protest. I wrapped my arms around his neck and continued kissing him. It somehow felt real.

Sorry for the delay and for the short chapter. I'm having a bad day. So yeah. Tell me if you spotted a mistake. :)

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