Chapter ten - transfer

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After crying almost throughout the night, I didn't even notice that I already fell asleep. Until I heard someone opened the door. I opened my eyes and slowly hid Jarred's phone behind me. I wiped away my rheums. I also started to grow some eye bags. Thanks to my endless cries last night.

Barry came in, bringing with him a plate. "Barry, where's Jarred?" I managed to ask but he didn't reply. He simply looked at me then walked away. I ran up to him, "Barry please-" but before I could continue he already shut the door.

I banged the door, "Barry please." I wept. I turn around and stared at the food. It was just plain rice. No viands. But, do I have a choice? I brought the plate to the corner where I usually stay and started eating there.

After I finished, I put the plate aside and stared at the ceiling. Then I look around the empty room. Even though it was still yesterday, it has been so quiet since Jarred was gone. I really hope that he's okay.

My life has been boring ever since he left. Why does life have to be like this? I took out Jarred's phone and tried turning it on for one last time. Sadly, it didn't.

The door opened again and Barry came in. I quickly hid Jarred's phone behind me, "Sarah, come on." He called me and I got up. I headed towards his way. He opened the door for me and I nodded as I passed by him.

He slammed the door shut and put some locks. "Follow me." He said and I nodded.

Part of me wants to escape again. But I knew that the same thing will happen again before. But this time, no Jarred.

He led me to the same room where Jarred was forced to rape me a week ago.

I knew that he's going to rape me. But this time, Barry's gonna do it himself. To be honest, it would have been better if it was Jarred.

"Lie down." He commanded me. I stared at him for a few seconds and he furrowed his eyebrows at me. "Lie down." He said, raising his voice.

I nodded and followed what he said. Then he started tying me up using a rope. I look away from him and I tried forcing myself not to cry. Then he started doing 'it'.

I did not feel comfortable at all. Besides, who would? I started rewinding everything Jarred and I did in the past few weeks. My friends and I for all the memories we shared. Then of course, to my parents.

I tried keeping myself happy during the process and waited for it to finish. I tried closing my eyes but they would end up being forcibly opened by him. An hour later, he finally stood up. Relief took over my body.

It's over.

"Can I have my shirt back?" I asked him and he looked at me, raising an eyebrow. "No." He furrowed his eyebrows then walked away. He didn't even bothered to untie me.

I expected him to be back a few minutes later. But he didn't. I had to spend the rest of the day, naked with only underwear on and tied up to a bed. As much as I didn't want to cry, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore and I eventually started crying.

Night time came and the room started to become darker. The only light that lit up the room was a small bulb light hanging in the middle.

I'm used to this anyways. So why would I be scared?

Barry came back in. By the way he stands, he kind of looks like Jarred. It's creepy.

He leaned closer to me started untying me. I slowly got up. My back hurts. This must be the result of spending almost the whole day lying down. He gave me a black and old tank top, and old baggy shorts. I took the clothes and put them on. "Come on." He told me and I followed him.

We walked down the same halls until we reached the room where I used to be. He pushed me inside, causing me to lose my balance. Luckily, I didn't hit my head this time. He slammed the door shut, leaving me alone. I got up and manage to walk through the dark until I reached the corner where I stayed and where I used to sit down most of the time and where the phone was left.

The phone was the only thing that reminds me of Jarred. It gives me hope that he'll be back soon. I smiled while staring at it. I gave it a small kiss and put it near my chest.

I hid it behind me and fell asleep.

I was woken up when someone slapped me on my cheeks. I woke up and saw Barry on top of me. "Get up." He told me and I nodded. I grabbed his hand and I got up. Then he handcuffed me and then covered my eyes using a towel.

I couldn't see where he was taking me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Some place else." He answered and I nodded. He was holding my hands the whole time.

After walking for ages, I heard the sound of cars passing by and smelled the smell of the smoke coming from the mufflers of the cars that where passing by.

Barry suddenly shoved me inside on what I assume is a car. I hit my head on something and I groaned. I heard him pressing something then a few minutes later, I already heard the engines.

"Barry, where are you taking me?" I asked again. "Would you mind? Please, stop talking." He said.

Dude, I only asked once.

I didn't talk again and out of boredom, I fell asleep.

I know this chapter is quite short. It's because I have loads of stuffs to do plus I have to attend my aunt's birthday party. School is really stressing me out. :/

Hope you'll continue to read this book. Credits to my friend TrixieK for helping me with some ideas. Also, go check her out! Her story is quite cool ;)

Message me if you spotted some mistakes. :)

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