Chapter 22 (Laila)

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Note: I'll think of a cooler more relevant chapter pic soon iA haha

When the bell for end of period five rang I made my way to the gates, wondering if I should have organized a meeting place to get picked up from. An uneasy feeling was growing his my chest and it had nothing to do with fear.
It had to do with Badr.
Was he still angry at me? What was I supposed to do? I was dreading the ride back home so much so when the red ford arrived I actually flinched.
However, it was not Badr behind the wheel but Yassin.
I sighed in relief and seated myself in the passenger seat.
"Assalamualaikum" Yassin greeted me with that half smile of his, "how was your day?"
"It was pretty good alhamdulillah" I replied, dragging my seatbelt across, "what about you?"
"Yeh it was okay" he shrugged, "not much to do"
I felt a little sorry for him. "Sorry" I told him, "for being stuck at home with me"
He grinned and shook his head, "I'm at home most of the time Laila"
"Oh" I suddenly felt stupid, "why? If you don't mind me asking"
He shrugged, "I do computed based stuff. Surveillance and...other things. I studied Computer Science"
"You went to college?!"
Yassin laughed at that "Does it look so unbelievable?"
I studied him closely for a moment, "no, now that you mention it. You look like you would have, but Badr..."
"Oh yeah Badr didn't go to college" said Yassin, "Bilal, our older brother, and I did. Badr's way too active and good at what he does, so he doesn't really see the point. He didn't do his last year at school either"
"Oh" I said in a small voice. What did Badr do exactly? I had a feeling I didn't want to know.

We got home and I immediately went up to my room to pray Zuhr. The days were getting shorter and soon I'd have to pray at school. Where exactly I didn't know, but probably the girls did.
After praying I changed into more comfortable clothes (a Kurta and slacks) and properly arranged my hijab before making my way downstairs to find something for lunch.
Although I knew it wasn't healthy I put in French fries in the oven and looked around for something nice to drink. My eyes fell on a new addition: Chaplin's Raspberry fizz Lemonade, special edition. Grinning I opened the cap. It felt quiet full so I poured out a glass and skulled it down, it was delicious.

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