Something is Not Right(Clarice's pov)

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After dinner with Antonio and them, Leslie and I went back to the apartment. When we came in I attacked Leslie's lips. I placed my hands on her neck pulling her down. Leslie placed her hands my ass and started feeling at it. I part our lips so that I can take off my shirt, after I take my shirt off Leslie picks me up and carries me to our bedroom. Luckily I left the door open this morning, Leslie sits me down on the bed, she throws off her shirt revealing her toned abs. I start kissing her abs. Leslie pulls me down and starts kissing me fiercely. She moves down to my neck and starts sucking and biting at my pulse point. 

"Leslie." I half moan and whisper.

Leslie moves down to my boobs and starts sucking, biting, pinching, and twisting my nipples. After she played with the she headed down to my core. Leslie started licking and nibbling at my pussy. I reach my climax by letting out the loudest moan and groan. After I calm down for a minute, I flip us over so that I'm on top. I start kissing on Leslie till she puts her hands on my shoulder pushing me away. 

"Clare, I'm tired. Can I just rest?" She says. 

I look down at Leslie shocked. 

'Did she just turn down sex? She never does that!' I think.

"Yeah sure babe." I say still shocked at her words. 

"Thanks, babe. I love you." Leslie says as turns on her side. 

"You too, babe." I say. 

I get up and walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I stand in the shower and I start sobbing quietly. 

'I'm losing her.' I think repeatedly as I sob.

After sobbing for 20 minutes I get out the shower and throw my pajamas on and climb into bed. I look at Leslie, who's asleep smiling. 

'Where did I go wrong?' I think as I turn the other away. 

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