What Happend To You?(Shay's pov)

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When I enter the district I hear Platt's voice. 

"Heads up, Shay." Platt says as she throws me a bag of ice and wash cloth. 

I quickly catch them and look at her questionably. 

"What's this for?" I ask walking up to her desk. 

"I saw Wright's face, he looked like he hammered his face. A lot. So I figured he probably got a good hit in so." Platt said. 

"How'd you know it was me?" I ask leaning on her desk. 

"I just knew. Now get your ass up there and don't get into another fight." Platt said. 

"Yes, mam." I smirk before walking off. 

I walk up the stairs and scan myself in. I walk toward the office and up the stairs and I see everyone sitting at there desk with Hank's office door shut and blinds close. 

"What the hell happened to you, Shay?" Antonio ask pointing to my nose and ice. 

"Nothin'. So what'd you guys find out about that lead?" I say. 

"Call was taken from a phone booth down Indiana and 60th." Halstead said. 

Ruzrek whistles loudly as he spins in his chair to face us.

"Rough neighborhood for a little boy." Al said. 

"Perfect place for someone to hide out a kid, place is filled with crime, wouldn't pay no mind to a little kid." Ruzrek said. 

"Did you get the recording of the conversation?" I ask. 

"Yeah, Mouse is running voice recognition now, when we get a hit he'll let us know." Erin said. 

I nod my head as I sit down at my desk icing my nose.A few minutes later I hear Hank's office door opening. We all look up to see Wright walking out with his swollen and dried blood face.

"Detective Wright, we'll be taking the rest of the day off due to health circumstances." Hank says looking at me. 

Antonio looks at me then back at Wright and then back to me with a raised eyebrow. 

'Did he do that to you?' Antonio mouthed pointing to my nose.

'He did this to me and I did that to him.' I mouthed back. 

"Damn." Antonio whispered out loud. 

"What was that, Antonio?" Hank ask. 

"Nothin'. Get well soon." Antonio said quickly. 

Wright starts walking out.

"Bye, Wright." I say with mock kindness as a wave him good bye.

Halstead and Ruzrek start snickering quietly. 

"Shay, my office." Hank says.

I sigh as I get up and walk to Hank's office. Hank sits down in his chair, and I close the door and stand there like an idiot. 

"You want me to sit down or..." I start off before getting cut off by Hank. 

"What the hell were you thinking?! Attacking another officer!" Hank yelled. 

I stand there getting ready to defend myself. 

"He attacked me first, Hank! What was I supposed to do?" I yell back.

"You ignore it! Just like you've done before!" Hank yells.

"This time was different!" I yell. 

"How was different? Please tell me how Wright can just change you to one of my protégé to a totally different person? Please tell me." Hank said. 

"I was never suppose to have this job, Voight. I took Wright's job." I say. 

"Shay, I've told you this before this job was always meant to be yours." Hank says softly. 

I let out a huge sigh before Erin comes knocking at the door. She looks at both of us before clearing her throat. 

"Mouse ran voice recognition and the person behind the phone is Reggie Lee." Erin says.

Hank sits up in his chair. 

"Find out where he lives and see if he's got any dirt on him. When you get his address I want the rest of the team suited up to go bust down some doors." Hank says.

Erin nods her head before walking out the office. 

"Shay, we'll talk later, right now you have a case you need to solve." Hank says. 

I nod my head and walk out the office and close his door. I go to sit at my desk. I sit down in my chair icing my nose. A couple minutes later I get a email from Erin, so does everyone.

"Guys, Reggie Lee is a gang member of  Hell Lovers. Didn't we arrest couple of people from that gang recently?" Erin ask. 

"Yeah a couple months ago, there was a couple of wild Hell Lovers and Latin Kings gang members that were battling it out." Al said.

"Are we taking a road trip?" Halstead says excitingly. 

"I think we are." I say. 

"I'll tell Voight." Erin says happily. 

"Road trip!" Ruzrek says happily.

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