The Talk(Gabby's pov)

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Matt and I shift just finished and he's walking me to my car. He opens the door for me and leads me into my seat.

"I'll meet you at the movie theater in a hour." I say to Casey.

"I'll be waiting with popcorn and a soda." Matt says as he leans on my car door.

"Bye, Matt." I say.

"Bye, Gabs." Matt says before walking to his car.

I drive off and when I get to a red light I call Leslie.

"Detective Shay." Leslie answers.

"Hey, Leslie. I'll be waiting at my apartment to talk." I say.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10." Leslie responds.

"Ok, bye." I say before I hang up.

I drive off to my apartment and wait for Leslie to arrive. As I'm about to sit on my couch, I hear a knock at my door. I open the door to see a tired but still beautiful Leslie Shay.

"Hi." Leslie says.

"Hey, come in." I say opening the door wider.

Leslie walks in and sits down and sighs happily.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been able to sit all day. It takes a toll on me." Leslie says sitting up.

"I get it. How's the case going?" I ask sitting down next to her making sure to leave some space between us.

"It's hell, anytime I think I'm close I'm just farther away then I was before. But, I know we both didn't come to hear about my case. We came her to talk about us." Leslie responds.

"There is no us, Leslie. What happened in that car didn't mean anything and it can never happen again." I say.

"Wow, who are you trying to convince here? Me or you?" Leslie says back.

"Leslie, we're both in relationships. I'm with Casey and your with Clarice." I respond. 

"But how come were with each other and not them? We're not happy with them. I see the way your with Casey, and I see the way your with me." Leslie says. 

"You might not be happy with Clarice, but I'm perfectly fine with Casey." I snap. 

"There it is. You snapped out of anger and your getting defensive. Tried to get me off guard by mentioning Clarice. You also said fine, are you not perfectly happy? There's a reason why Voight hired me, and it wasn't for my looks." Leslie responds smugly. 

I gasps about how much she was right. 

"I get you wanna keep living your fairytale with Matt. I do, but we both know that your fairytale ended the moment I walked into your life. Your trying to revive a dream that's already dead, I guess you want keep thinking that your happy , when your really not." Leslie says. 

"I think you should go." I whisper. 

"I probably should. I'm not gonna sugarcoat your relationship with Matt and I'm not gonna praise myself also, but I'm also not gonna wait for you." Leslie says before getting up from the couch.

The next thing that happened not only shocked me, but shocked Leslie. I walk toward Leslie and passionately kiss her. It takes a minute for Leslie to wrap her mind around what's happening before she kisses me back with an equal amount of passion. Leslie pushes me against the door and moves her lips down to my neck and starts kissing at it furiously. 

"No marks." I whisper as I tangle my hands in her hair, 

Leslie smiles and moves back to my lips. She moves her shirt off revealing her dominant abs, she grabs my wrist and pin them over my head. 

"Where's your bedroom?" She whispers in my ear. 

"Follow me." I whisper. 

I slowly walk towards me bedroom knowing Leslie is right behind me. We enter my bedroom and I'm immediately attacked by Leslie's lips. I lay us down the bed and get on top of Leslie. I sit up and remove my shirt and bra and I'm flipped over by Leslie and she starts sucking on my left boob and pinching my right. I'm moaning tangling my hands into her hair begging her for more. After several minutes of her pleasuring my boobs she kisses down my stomach and unbuttons my jeans. That's when I realize what's happening. I realize I'm about to cheat on Casey and I'm enjoying it. I push Leslie off me and I quickly stand up and cover my chest. 

"Gabby." Leslie says soothingly.

That's when I broke down crying. 

"I cheated, I cheated on Matt." I sob. 

Leslie walks toward me with her hands up. She slowly wraps her arms around me. I punched Leslie against her chest. 

"Go away! You did this to me! I was happy! You ruined my life!" I cry as I continue to punch Leslie against her chest. 

I push Leslie away and try to punch her in the face but she catches my fist in the air and grabs my wrist. 

"Hey! I know your upset. I know I'm ruining your life. But your ruining mine also. So don't think for a second that your innocent in any of this!" Leslie snaps at me. 

She let's go of my wrist and grabs her shirt. 

"Casey's waiting for you. Don't keep your boyfriend waiting." Leslie says before putting on her shirt and walking out. 

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