The End to A New Beginning(Shay's pov)

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As soon as I step into my car I break down crying. I let my emotions get the better of me. It's for the best. I disobeyed a direct order from Voight. I should've never went after Duncan. I sigh and cover my eyes. I rub my face and sit up. 

"Siri, call Gabby." I command my car. 

"Calling Gabby Dawson." Siri responds. 

As my phone rings I adjust myself to make myself presentable. 

"Hello?" Gabby answers. 

"Hey Gabs." I say. 

"Hey, Leslie. How are you doing?" Gabby says. 

"Fine, you mind if I come over? I just really need to talk someone. I would call Kelly, but I just need you right now. I understand if you have something to do with Casey-." I say getting cut off by Gabby. 

"Leslie, I don't mind if you come over. I was actually going to call later to invite you. I have something important to tell you." Gabby says. 

"Alright, I'll be over in hour. I gotta change." I say. 

"Okay. Bye." Gabby says before hanging up. 

I put my car in drive and make my way to home sweet home. When I walk in the apartment I see Clarice sitting on the couch with a tub of chocolate ice cream watching a movie. When I walk in she pauses the movie. 

"Hey! I didn't expect you to be home so soon." Clarice says setting her ice cream down in the table. 

"Well I didn't either. You didn't hear?" I say to Clarice as I hang up my leather jacket. 

"Hear what?" Clarice ask.

"I got fired." I say putting my jacket in the closet. 

"What!" Clarice exclaims.

"Well not fired, I got benched. There's going to be a investigation on me and what happened today during the bust." I say grabbing my beer out the fridge. 

"What bust? Investigation? When did all this happen? What case is this?" Clarice ask tying her robe. 

"Like a week ago, Clarice. My Alexander case that went on ice a couple years back with Wright? Remember I walked in all busted up and I told you about it? You weren't listening? I've been tracking down his killer! I FOUND HIS FUCKING BODY!" I snap. 

"I'm sorry babe. I've been busy with things." Clarice says.

"I'm going to take a shower. You wanna join?" I say.

"No thanks. I'm worn out from work. Maybe tomorrow?" Clarice says sitting back down on the couch. 

I scoff and make my way towards the bathroom. I strip off my clothes and walk into the shower. The warm water runs down my shoulder. It slowly relaxes me. Soon the water turns cold and I turn it off. As I walk out the shower, I accidentally knock over the small waste basket. 

"Crap." I say as bend down and list the waste basket up. 

I pick up all the wads of tissue. But then something catches my eye. A pregnancy test. 

"What the hell is a pregnancy test doing I here?" I mumble to myself standing up. 

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the bathroom door. 

"Leslie, I'm ordering pizza. Is that okay?" Clarice ask through the door. 

"It's fine." I say sitting on the toilet still staring at the pregnancy test. 

I hear the footsteps walk away from the door. I look at it in deep thought and to make matters worse, it's positive. Clarice cheated on me. And with a guy? My Clarice would steep that low to sleep with man, when she's with me. A woman. I stand up and put the pregnancy test behind my back and walk towards our room. I quickly throw on some clothes and sit on the bed waiting for Clarice. 

"So the pizza is going to be here any minute, so. Hey, you okay Leslie?" Clarice ask standing in the door way. 

I look up at her and throw the pregnancy test at her feet. Clarice gasp and covers her mouth. 

"Leslie, it's not what it seems." Clarice says. 

"I knew things were different. You didn't look at me the same anymore, you had the look of pain and false love in your eyes. When we made love, you didn't look at me anymore. You drifted off, like you were thinking about something else. Someone else, I should say. You didn't imagine me making love to you, you imagined a dick making love to you." I say standing up. 

"It was a one time thing, Leslie." Clarice promises. 

"You knew as long as we been together, how many times have you had to stay late at the office? Not once. Never have you had to stay late. But lately you have to stay late 3 times a week. Why's that? One time thing my ass. Even if it was, how could the thought of forgiving your lying  cheating ass cross my mind? YOUR PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILD!" I cry.

"I didn't know this would happen!" Clarice crys. 

"For fucking gods sake. We took health class, Clarice. We both know the risk of pregnancy. Did you think that he could pop some in you and nothing would happen? Did you thing I wouldn't figure out your pregnant? For the love of god I'm a detective!" I say. 

"It was a mistake." Clarice explains. 

"Yeah? It was a mistake that happened more than once, Clarice. Now, you have a mistake of a child." I say. 

"We didn't know that this would happen." Clarice reasons. 

"WE? Now you guys are a WE? Who the hell is this guy? Who the hell would you ruin years of true love for, Clarice? WHO?" I say angrily. 

"You don't know him." Clarice says. 

"Give me his fucking name and I'll introduce myself to him. Personally." I say. 

"Don't threaten him, Leslie. He's the father of my child!" Clarice defends. 

"I can't do this anymore, Clarice. Get out. Get out of my house. Get the hell out! I don't care where the hell you go! Just get out!" I scream. 

"You don't mean that." Clarice tries to reason. 

"I do actually. Grab your shit out of my house, walk down them stairs, climb in your fucking car, and GO! When I come back here, I want everything that is yours out! Leave your key on the table. Don't get in contact with me, don't try to fix this, don't go telling everyone what happened, don't do anything that has to do with you speak in my name! Leave me the hell alone and don't you ever come back!" I yell. 

I storm out the room and grab my jacket. Before walking out I grab a picture of us and hand it to Clarice. 

"Anytime you think of us, how happy we were, I want you to think about how you screwed us over for some botty call, Clarice. Remember that next time you suck his dick dry." I say before walking out the house, ignoring Clarice's cries. 

I drive to Gabby's place and walk up the stairs. I knock on the door impatiently. Gabby opens to door and smiles. 

"You know you really do knock on the door like cop, you should work-" Gabby starts but I cut off with a passionate kiss, placing my hands on her hips. 

I push us inside and kick the door close with my foot. I place Gabby against the door our lips still press together. She gently places her hands on my shoulder and pushes my off, but not to far. Our foreheads still touching. 

"What has gotten into you, Leslie?" Gabby whispers. 

"You have. You got me fallen in love with you." I whisper.

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