Challenging an Ackerman

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Chapter V

I push myself off from the ground. Embarrassment is evident in all aspects of my face. It's especially clear from my flush cheeks and wide eyes. I'm astonished by the titan's spoken words, but Levi must be my first priority. I don't have to will power to keep solid eye contact with him. I slightly cough off to the side and speak up, "You're not always going to have to save me. I'm strong enough on my own." Sure my voice sounded confident, but my body language suggested otherwise.

The Corporal's eyes glaze over me for a moment before he casually strolls over and brushes his fingers against my pin. "Strong enough huh?" he questions. His eyes continue to stare at the pin; deep in thought. "Why not join the military police then?" I sneer at him and snap back, "You know full well that I can't." He turns to walk back to his horse and nonchalantly talks back, "Then you're simply proving my point. If you're not even strong enough to make it into the Military Police, what makes you think you can make it out here?"

An awkward silence swirls around us, but only I seem to notice. He simply proceeds towards his horse and strokes its dark mane. I bite back my tongue before answering. "I just can." Levi rolls his eyes slightly. I scrunch my nose at his judgement. "I am strong enough to be a part of the final ten." He smirks and adjusts the horse's saddle and reins. "Obviously that statement is wrong." I step forward and push my balled hands towards the ground, "It's not! I'm not good enough for them, but I am able to survive on my own."

Levi steps into a stirrup and throws his leg over the horse. He mounts up and fixes his position. Without looking at me he comments, "Doubtful." My blood begins to boil and my temper is beginning to seethe through my body. "I can! You'll see. I can kill a titan and I can survive without anyone else!" I cross my arms across my chest and glance towards him. "I had to save you twice in the past 24 hours." The corner of my mouth twitches, "That means nothing. Let's go find a titan and I'll prove it to you." He sighs slightly before taking the reins into his hands. "I don't have time for your childish antics. Call your horse. We're leaving." He signals for his horse to begin walking.

"No." He pulls his horse to a stop and thinks for a second. While he's thinking I take ahold of my anchors and carefully point them behind me. All the while I gift the Corporal with a chilling glare directed towards the back of his head. He raises his eyebrows, intrigued from the disrespect, before continuing his departure to camp. "No?" My face contorts into a "Know-It-All" expression and respond, "No. I am not going back. Not until I prove you wrong." That being said, I shoot my anchors back. They hook onto the branch of the tree behind me. As I zoom towards the tree limb I unhook the anchors and turn to face the forest behind me. Once my feet reach the branch I push off and call back to the Corporal, "You'll see!" My shout of confidence echoes and reverberates against the timberland as I begin my search for a titan.

I zip and swing from branch to branch. A collection of leaves latch into my hair, while the wind starts to tattoo burns across my exposed skin. I let out a joyous yell and laugh to myself. Flying through open woods like this would never get old. I listen and search for any sign of titan activity. I'm met with silence until a snap ricochets against every surface. My emotions fade when my eyes catch a familiar blur of green that rockets between the forestry. I tighten my jaw and shoot two anchors into parallel trees. I'm lurched forward for a moment until I'm motionlessly suspended between the trees. Hopefully the Corporal continued forward. I don't need him stopping my mission.

I quickly unlatch my anchors and free fall for a few moments. Soon enough I shoot them back into a branch and glide in the opposite direction of Levi. I chuckle to myself and smirk at his careless mistake to retrieve me. That is until it feels like I'm being slammed into by a runaway Clydesdale. The air is shoved out of my lungs. I catch my breath before colliding with a huge mud pit. Liquid dirt gushes and spurts onto the surrounding terrain. I push myself up and look at the artwork of mud around me. I'm dumbfounded. Out of the corner of my eye another figure is face first in the earth. My confusion is cleared at the sight of him. Clumsily, I stand up and walk over to see Levi pushing himself out of the mud. His breathing is labored, but I don't believe it to be due to injuries.

With My Life  [Levi x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora