Outside the Walls

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Chapter IV

NOTIFICATION: This chapter will be based off of the AOT OVA: Ilse's Journal. If you have not seen this OVA please be warned that there will be major spoilers.

A/N: I try my absolute best to keep the facts in my story aligned with the AOT universe. I promise I research as much as possible when writing my chapters. The upcoming chapter will seem like I'm changing the known information about titans if you are not familiar with the OVA. I highly suggest you watch it along with the others! This includes Levi's backstory as well! (I would hope you have seen them considering you're reading a Levi x Reader fanfic xD) I will probably reference each of them at once point or another. I may continue on with the manga, but I have some other plans in mind... I'm not sure yet! Now stop reading this boring note and continue with the story! -HiddenAlias

The continuous rhythm of hooves drumming against the solid ground lured me into a restless daydream. It was restless due to the constant bumps as the cart hit small potholes outside. Wretchedly it was causing my head to lift off from the boards and slam back into the wood. Yet, it was easy to daydream considering the contents of this wooden death trap provided no means of entertainment. I gave up trying to escape a while ago. There is absolutely no point in wasting my energy on a task that is impossible.

"Nothing is impossible!" one might say, but I live in a world that society calls "Reality". The possible is limited by the impossible. We, as humans, have no source of invincibility and have to own up to the wicked fact that we are limited by everything. We're limited in ability, limited on time, and limited by life in general. That is the cold, hard truth I have come to accept.

I pick absentmindedly at the fraying, wooden strands from the wagon's boards. I've accumulated an impressive stash of woodchips if I do say so myself. The larger the wood fragment I peeled off, the more entertainment I received. I feel as if I'm creating a record for "Largest Self-Created Wood Chip Pile". I deserve a medal or some shit for this work.

I lay my head back and stare through the tear in the tarp. The exact same sky from earlier radiates back at me. I close my eyes and listen to my heart beat. The internal thumping matches with my breathing to make a harmonized melody. It's kind of relaxing.

Inhale, thump, thump, exhale.

Inhale, thump, thump, exhale.

I feel as if I'm forcing this rhythm mentally rather than letting it naturally occur.

Inhale, thump, thump, exhale ...clomp?

Inhale, thump, thump, exhale ...clomp.

I raise my eyebrows unconsciously and focus on listening to the outside world.

Clomp... Clomp...

To wall Maria and back...please dear god make that sound stop... I've only heard that sound once before and it ended with the death of my idol. Without my permission the clumsy stomping sounds continue and the horses around the cart begin to grunt. I hear murmurs from the soldiers around me and then a click. The sounds of a flare goes up. Momentarily the stomping is tuned out, but emerges once again. Beads of sweat gather at the base of my neck. Each second that passes by allows another stomp to come closer to the cart.

I can feel the vibrations surge from the ground and through my bones. More murmurs are heard until a booming shout quiets them, "It's getting too close! Drop the cargo and more forward!" With that I feel the cart tilt back and skid across the ground. I yelp and tumble through the supplies. The boxes pinning me to the cart thrash to the side. I struggle to move away while the cart continues to cartwheel all over the damn place. When it finally comes to a stop, the wagon is upside down trapping me underneath it.

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