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NOTIFICATION: Cursing will become constant from now on.

Chapter III

"We have paid the price for 100 years of peace with tragedy. Given the sense of crisis at the time we were ill-prepared to cope with the sudden appearance of the colossus titan..."

I started to zone out. I was too anxious to hear the names of the top 10 in the 104th training squad be revealed. This was the moment where I would finally start my journey towards the interior. It was a given that I'd be at the head of the class. I was honestly a hard-working cadet. Some of the talent came naturally to the other trainees, but I had to work hard to be where I am.

I glanced to the left and right to see down the line of cadets. I was stationed in the middle of the ranks between Aiden Easton and Thomas Wagner. When I decided to join the military, Aiden couldn't help but to join as well. His plan was to join the Garrison and reinforce the walls. Losing his family hit him hard. He wanted to ensure that nobody would have to feel the pain he once endured ever again. I was glad he joined with me. He was my source of comfort and reassurance.

"...and give your lives to stand against the titan menace! Dedicate your hearts!" My eyes snapped forward and I pounded my fist against my chest in unison with my peers. "Yes sir!" We cried out. Afterwards we all silently move into our normal stance with our hands behind our backs.

"Today, you have completed your military training. I will now announce the ten among you who have obtained the top training results. Come forward if I call your name." I get antsy and start digging my nails into the back of my hand. This was it.

"At the head of the class, Mikasa Ackerman." Of course she was the head of class. Her skills were supreme to all of ours.

"Second, Reiner Braun." My heart began to pound inside my chest.

"Number three, Bertolt Hoover." I started to inhale deeply.

"Number four, Annie Leonhart." I began to gnaw at the side of my cheek.

"Number five, Eren Yeager." I think my hands are beginning to sweat.

"Number six, Jean Kirstein." Now I know my hands are sweating.

"Number seven, Marco Bott." He'll call my name next.

"Number eight, Connie Springer." Okay, next time for sure.

"Number nine, Sasha Blouse." It's guaranteed my name will be next.

"And number ten, Aiden Easton." My heart plummeted into my stomach and dissolved into the acid. I stared straight ahead. I didn't have to look to my left to picture the empty space where Aiden once stood. He marched up to line with the biggest grin slapped onto his face. His black silky hair slightly covered his hazel eyes, but I knew they were shimmering with glee.

I was the opposite in this moment. Every ounce of happiness that he had added to the amount of despair that grew inside me. I wanted to scream and cry. How could I not make it into the top 10? I worked my ass off for this. I could never succeed my father now... I wanted to reach my hand up and feel the pin attached to my collared shirt, but I remained in stance.

"Now that you've completed your training you have three choices." That's a lie. I only have one option.

"The Garrison, which reinforces the walls, thereby protecting all of the towns..." That was the only option I had left. Joining the Survey Corps is the dumbest idea out there. Who wants to put their life on the line like that?

"The Survey Corps, prepared to sacrifice their lives outside the walls by defying the titans in their own demain..." Like hell anyone is going to join that. We shouldn't be risking our lives out there at all. We need as many members of humanity here as possible in order to obtain a secure home. Defeating the titans is impossible and a waste of human resources.

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